Basic Deliverance Part I


Chapter One
Can A Christian Have A Demon ?

Chapter Two
Jesus Cast Out Demons Everywhere He Went!

Chapter Three
The Deliverance Minister

Chapter Four
Keys to Successful Deliverance

Chapter Five
On With The Battle

Chapter Six
Comments On Deliverance

Chapter Seven
Living The Whole Christian Life

Chapter Eight
Christian Fantasy – Lies Not Truth

Chapter Nine
Daily Prayers

Chapter Ten
Warriors For Christ

Chapter Eleven
God Is A Man Of War

Chapter Twelve
Godly People Stricken Before Their Time


Chapter One
Can A Christian Have A Demon ?
1. Matthew 12:43-45 …A non-Christian DELIVERED.
2. Matthew 15:22-28 …Children’s (Christian’s) bread.
3. Mark 1:23-27 …Man in the synagogue (Believer).
4. Mark 1:39-42 …Cast out devils in synagogues.
5. Mark 7:25-30 …Children’s (Christian’s) bread.
6. Mark 8:33 …JESUS Called Peter Satan.
7. Mark 9:17-29 …Believer’s son.
8. Luke 4:38-39 …Spirit of fever is a demon.
9. Luke 11:24-26 …A non-Christian DELIVERED.
10. Luke 13:11-17 …Daughter of Abraham (Believer).
11. Luke 22:3 …Satan entered Judas.
12. Acts 5:3-4 …Ananias and Sapphira were Believers.
13. Acts 8:5-7, …13 Gave heed to things spoken of Christ.
14. Acts 8:20-24 …Simon was a Believer.
15. Acts 10:38 …Sickness is oppression of Satan.
16. I Cor. 5:1-5 …Believer in Corinth DELIVERED to Satan.
17. II Cor. 2:10-11 …Satan getting advantage of Believer.
18. II Cor. 11:3-4 …Believers receive another spirit.
19. II Cor. 12:7-9 …Paul’s messenger of Satan in flesh.
20. Gal. 3:1 …Galatians bewitched by spirits.
21. Eph. 2:1-3 …Influence of Satan.
22. Eph. 4:26-27 …Anger gives place to Devil.
23. I Tim. 1:18-20 …Hymenaeus and Alexander Believers.
24. I Tim. 4:1-2 …Believers depart from the faith.
25. II Tim. 2:24-26 …Recover out of snare of Devil.
26. Heb. 12:15-16 …Root of bitterness is a spirit.
27. James 4:6-8 …Devil will flee from you.
28. I Peter 5:8-9 …Afflictions in the brethren.
– There is nowhere in the Bible that says explicitly that a “Christian” can have a demon. But it does talk about “Believers” having demons. Are you a Believer; what is the difference – none!
The multitudes that came to JESUS received DELIVERANCE; some were bound to be Believers!
You can memorize the Bible and go to Hell. No part of the Bible is any good to you unless it is used! Head knowledge will not get you to Heaven; it takes heart knowledge.
Bible scholars can argue about theology until JESUS comes again and not settle the question of whether a Christian can have a demon; it takes experience.
When you start casting demons out of people, you find that Christians not only have demons but they have thousands of demons! In our years of ministry, we have worked with thousands of people – small groups to large groups. We found that the congregation could have many demons. Then the Lord started us working with pastors and their families. We found that the five-fold ministry also had almost as many demons as the congregation. Finally the Lord had us to work with DELIVERANCE ministers. We found that they also had quite a few demons too!
We have seen leaders go into false doctrines. These can even be leaders that cast out demons. It appears that pride is their downfall. Pride is an abomination to God and is an active demonic area.
– Characteristics noted below merit a closer look when they are pronounced, persistent or recurrent over a period of time, or progressive – tending to become more, rather than less, extreme. Check yourself against these warnings. The following thumbnail descriptions of behavior can be a call for help:
1. Confused or disordered thinking: loss of touch with reality – delusions (persistence of erroneous convictions in the face of contrary evidence) – hallucinations; disconnected speech.
2. Obsessions: absorption with a subject or idea to the exclusion of others – compulsions – uncontrollable urges.
3. Inability to cope: with minor problems – with daily routine.
4. Difficulty in making/keeping friends: poor social skills – isolation, withdrawal from society – “loner” lifestyle.
5. A pattern of failure across-the-board: at school – at work – in sports – in personal relationships.
6. Prolonged or severe depression: suicide threats/attempts.
7. Immaturity: infantile behavior (such as bedwetting) – over dependence on the mother (excessive clinging as a child – continuing dependence in teens and twenties) – failure to keep pace with peer group.
8. A series of physical ailments which do not run a typical course and/or fail to respond to treatment.
9. Neglect of personal hygiene (disheveled and unsanitary surroundings) or exaggerated concern for order and for cleanliness.
10. Difficulty adjusting to new people and places.
11. Undue anxiety and worry: phobias – feelings of being persecuted.
12. Too much or too little sleep.
13. Excessive self-centeredness: indifference to other people’s feelings, doings, ideas -lack of sympathy with another’s pain or need.
14. Substantial rapid weight – gain or loss.
15. Muted, “flat” emotions (absence of angry/delighted/sorrowing reactions to stimuli) or inappropriate emotions (sharp, inexplicable mood swings – silliness at serious moments, unpredictable tears).
16. Negative self-image and outlook: “inferiority” complex – feelings of worthlessness.
17. Frequent random changes of plans: inability to stick with a job, a school program, a living arrangement – failure to keep appointments, abide by decisions.
18. Extreme aggressiveness (combativeness, hostility – violence, rage) or exaggerated docility (lack of normal competitiveness and self-assertion – refusal to confront, avoidance of argument).
19. Risk-taking.
20. Lack of zest and enthusiasm: listlessness, sadness, mood habitually “down” -limited or missing sense of humor.
(EXCERPTS) – How can a demon spirit indwell the same body at the same time as the Holy Spirit does ?
The New Testament word for “spirit” is pneuma. In contra-distinction from the natural or “soulish”, the spirit is that part of man which has the ability to grasp and perceive divine things (I Cor. 2:14).
The word for “soul” is “psyche”. This word defines the self life – the emotions, the intellect and the will. Paul shows us that man is a threefold being (I Thes. 5:23).
The Scripture teaches that prior to salvation a man is “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). JESUS comes into the human spirit and brings in His life (I John 5:11-12).
JESUS has made adequate provision for the whole man, but part of the responsibility now rests upon us as is shown in the following scripture: (Phil. 2:13-15).
The word for “salvation” in this passage is soteria. Thayer’s Lexicon gives as the primary meaning of this word “DELIVERANCE from the molestation of enemies”. The picture becomes clear. JESUS has DELIVERED our SPIRIT from the power of Satan; now He says to us, “Work out your own DELIVERANCE from the molestation of enemies until you have freed both SOUL AND BODY”.
(EXCERPTS) – False teachings are perpetuated by the erroneous and unscriptural position that Believers cannot have demons. The following is a partial list of the pitfalls associated with taking such a position; check yourself against these results:
1. The old sin nature becomes the “whipping boy” and the middle ground between God and the demons.
2. All problems are taught to be due to the “lack of surrender”.
3. People are left open to be snared into cults by angels of light.
4. All inherited characteristics are thought to be unchangeable.
5. Personality quirks and characteristics are thought to be unchangeable.
6. Makes us unable to break the bondage on another person’s will.
7. Mental health programs, which teach all problems are the result of heredity are supported.
8. Demons are given legal ground to stay when a person sits under teaching that denies a Christian can have a demon.
9. Demonic lies about oppression, possession, etc. are perpetuated.
10. Reinforces spiritual pride which keeps leaders from re-examining their teachings and retracting error.
11. Despair and hopelessness are fostered within the demonized.
12. Gives ground to accept, as law, all medical diagnosis and medication.
The greatest need in the church today is teaching the whole Bible without fear or favor of man and the practice of DELIVERANCE for every Christian. As you see the children, so you see the parents and the nation. Look at your children and see your mistakes in their lives.
The following statistics were taken from The Children’s Hour, U.S. News and World Report: “IN ONE DAY IN 1988 -2753 teenagers get pregnant, 1099 teenagers have abortions, 367 teens miscarry, 1287 teenagers give birth, 666 babies are born to women who have had inadequate prenatal care, 72 babies die before one month of life, 110 babies die before their first birthday, 9 children die from gunshot wounds, 5 teenagers commit suicide, 609 teenagers get gonorrhea or syphilis, 988 children are abused, 3288 children run away from home, 49322 children are in public juvenile correctional facilities, 2269 illegitimate children are born and 2989 kids see their parents divorced.”
(EXCERPTS) – Because so many promises are given to those who are Believers, it is important to know who the Bible classifies as a Believer.
In the Greek “believe” indicates one relying on JESUS Christ for salvation. In Acts 5:14 the word means unadulterated trust. In I Tim. 4:12, trueness, to entrust one’s spiritual faith assurance, well-being.
A check list for Believers: must bear fruit (John 15:2); signs shall follow (Mark 16:17-18); shall do works JESUS did (John 14:12); answered prayer (John 15:7); friend of JESUS (John 15:14) and witnessing (John 15:27).
(EXCERPTS) – “In the name of our Lord JESUS Christ, when you are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord JESUS Christ, to deliver such as one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord JESUS” (I Cor. 5:4-5). The apostle here deals with the case of a disobedient and sinful Believer in the church at Corinth.
In another case, Paul writes: “Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck; of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have DELIVERED unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme” (I Tim. 1:19-20).
“In meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” (II Tim.2:25-26).
When you go into the ministry of casting out demons, inevitably you are challenged by the question, “Is it possible for a born-again Believer to have a demon?” In charismatic circles the question is: “Is it possible for a Believer who is baptized in the Spirit to have a demon?”
“Absolutely not!” comes the stock answer. “The Holy Spirit cannot coexist in the same body with a demon!”
Actually, the answer to both questions above is definitely “yes”. Almost one-hundred percent of the DELIVERANCE ministry we have had has been among the born-again Believers, and most of them were Baptized-in-the-Spirit Christians also.
Several arguments are advanced to “prove” that under no circumstances can a born-again person have a demon. The most common statement is that a Christian cannot be “possessed”. This will be discussed later as a misnomer. The arguments in summary run something like this:
The Believer is inhabited by the Holy Spirit; therefore, the demons cannot coexist within the same body. The proof text usually used is I Cor. 2:12; however the verse does not say this.
JESUS came to destroy the works of the Devil (I John 3:8), and indeed He did. In the case of problems caused by demons, the remedy and method of doing this is cast out the demons in His name.
The struggle inside the Believer is always revealed to be the struggle between the flesh and the Spirit, and not a struggle involving demons (Rom. 6 and 7). Were that the case, the conscientious claiming of the promises of God would solve every human problem.
The Believer is DELIVERED from the power of Satan and his demons (Col. 1:12-13; Eph. 2:1-3). Yes, but like many other promises, not automatically , but only as we voluntarily meet God’s conditions for DELIVERANCE.
The Christian is provided with complete protection from the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph. 6). This overlooks the rather obvious fact that the armor is designed for defense from external, not internal enemies, and also that even so the Believer’s armor is not always in place.
In spite of these arguments, the dismaying fact remains that born-again Christians, including leaders, are having difficulties and problems which can find no solution in natural infirmities or the endless conflict between the flesh and the Spirit.
It is no secret that many have become discouraged and filled with awful despair.
In his tract, Demon Activity and the Christian, Ernest B. Rockstad rightly concludes that: “Experience, of course is not the basis for the interpretation of the Bible. Nevertheless, if consistent experiences run counter to an interpretation, the dedicated seeker after truth will set out to find the reason. He must be willing to re-study his interpretation under the direction of the Holy Spirit…and be prepared to make any necessary corrections in his own belief so as to be in full agreement with the facts as they are.” He further points out that understanding the Biblical doctrine of human depravity should cause one to wonder that the Holy Spirit would enter a person under any circumstances.
You cannot argue anyone into believing that the old fundamental stand against Christians having demons is fallacious.
There is an excellent presentation of the whole question in Don Basham’s book, Can A Christian Have A Demon? Non-charismatic writers like Frances Manuel, Merrill Unger, Mark Bubeck, and Robert Peterson also teach that a Christian can have a demon.
In his very balanced and scholarly treatise, Demons In The World Today, Dr. Unger writes, “In demon influence, evil spirits exert power over a person short of actual possession. Such influence may vary from mild harassment to extreme subjection when body and mind become dominated and held in slavery by spirit agents.
Christians, as well as non-Christians, can be so influenced. They may be oppressed, vexed, depressed, hindered and bound by demons.”
Dr. Unger is frank to say that he had written in 1952, “To demon possession, only unbelievers are exposed.” Twenty years later, he writes: “This statement was inferred, since Scripture does not clearly settle the question. It was based on the assumption that an evil spirit could not indwell the redeemed body together with the Holy Spirit”.
Hobart Freeman points out that “as a result of erroneous teachings and beliefs, which are based neither upon Scripture or experience, Satan has deluded many concerning the question, can a Christian be oppressed by Satan or possess evil spirits? Can one who has never participated actively in any form of occultism be subjected or oppressed?” The answer to both questions is yes, supported both from the Scriptures and experience.
Derek Prince in his helpful pamphlet, Expelling Demons, explains facts linguistically which should help unsnarl the semantic tangle. “The New Testament Greek word for demon is daimonion…in the King James Version…often translated ‘devil’. Associated in the New Testament with the noun daimonion is the passive verb daimonizomai. The literal meaning of this verb is ‘to be demoned’, that is, in some way under the influence or power of demons. In the King James Version this verb is usually translated by some phrase such as ‘to be possessed’ or ‘to be vexed’ by demons or by evil spirits. However, there is no distinction in the original Greek text to support these (translated) distinctions”.
Believers were definitely subjected to demonic attack in the Scriptures. The physical afflictions and other disasters of Job are shown to be Satan’s work in Job 1 and 2. In the synagogue there was a man with an unclean spirit (Mark 1:23). A woman called “a daughter of Abraham” (father of the faithful) was bound with a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years (Luke 13:11-16).
There is no reason to conclude arbitrarily in the two latter cases that the persons involved were not Believers. In II Tim. 2:23-26, where Paul discusses contention and disputing over doctrine, Believers are indicated who have evidently slipped and need to “recover themselves from the snare of the devil, who are taken captive of him at his will”.
A member of the church in Corinth seems to have been overcome by a spirit of lust (I Cor. 5:1-5). JESUS rebuked a spirit of fever in Peter’s mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-39) and he left her, and she was well. In Mark 3:33 and Mark 9:25, JESUS uses this same term to rebuke Satan. Sickness is described as an oppression of the Devil in Acts 10:38 and JESUS often healed by removing spirits of infirmity, which are simply another method of Satanic attack (Luke 4:40-41).
Consider Peter, who one moment spoke by Divine revelation, declaring that JESUS was the very Christ, and in the next moment was reprimanded by JESUS, who rebuked Satan in him, saying “thou savorest not the things that be of God” (Matt. 16:13-23). Simon the magician is presented as one who believed and was baptized, but had evidently not been DELIVERED from his occult bondage and was commanded to repent and pray (Acts 8:20-24). How did Satan manage to “fill the heart” of the Believers Ananias and Sapphira? (Acts 5:3). Paul himself reports he suffered buffeting from a “messenger of Satan” (II Cor. 12:7).
Dr. V. Raymond Edman, the late president of Wheaton College, wrote the following in answer to a question as to whether or not a Christian could have a demon: “…The unguarded Christian may have demon possession in the soul, which would affect mental processes and emotions; or in the body, as was the case of the woman who had a ‘spirit of infirmity eighteen years and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself’ (Luke 13:11). Of her, the Savior said when He healed her, ‘Ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?’ To say that a Christian cannot be demonized in any area of his life is a happy but inaccurate generalization”.
Paul reproves the Corinthian Christians for receiving another spirit than the Spirit they had previously received (II Cor. 11:4)
Paul inquired, in Gal. 3:1, about who had bewitched the Believers to draw them away from the truth.
Robert Peterson makes an interesting comment: “It appears that the full force of deceiving spirits is directed against the spiritual Believer in doctrinal rather than worldly matters, although the latter may be used after the Believer has been ensnared by the most subtle means. In I Tim. 4:1-2 the Apostle Paul gives a full account of how wicked spirits attack the spiritual Believer and by deception beguile him away from the faith through the use of false prophets”.
Don Basham sums up the matter when he writes that there is an “almost universal sense of fear and loathing toward the whole subject of Satan and the evil spirits. Many Believers have adopted the fallacious idea that if they ignore Satan, he will ignore them. Scripturally, such a position is indefensible” (I Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7; II Cor. 2:11).
When the power of God begins to move in a person’s life, he quite naturally becomes an object for the devil’s most crippling attacks.
The unreasoning fear of demons is fostered and promoted by Satan and his hosts directly.
Basham concludes that a Christian can be tormented or afflicted by evil spirits in some area of his life and still be a sincere Christian; just as he can be tormented by physical sickness and still be a sincere Christian.
It is always a blessing to see truths, not mere speculations, in print concerning spiritual warfare.
I shudder when I hear someone remark skeptically, “Well, I just can’t believe that. I’d have to see it first.” They seek to shield themselves by mere ignorance!
For myself, I had no real problem believing in a personal Devil and in the fact that demons can infest both lost and saved as they have opportunity.
To me it was as foolish as telling Peter he could not walk on the water when he was already doing it.
When a person is born again by confessing his sin and asking the Lord JESUS Christ to come into his heart and save him (Rom. 3:23-24; 6:23; Rev. 3:20), he is received by the Father and salvation comes instantaneously in the experience of the new birth. Love, joy, and peace are the initial, logical by-products.
The Holy Spirit comes to indwell and seal the Believer as God’s earnest of redemption (Eph. 1:13-14) and His abiding presence is guaranteed until the Believer is redeemed (in point of time) completely by being taken to be with the Lord, whether it be through the door of death, or through the door in the sky (I Thes. 4:16-17).
The Holy Spirit therefore inhabits the body of the Believer in a peculiar and special way in these days since Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the assembled Believers. The child of God (John 1:12) is accepted in the Beloved, JESUS (Eph. 1:6) and blessed with the assurance of God’s presence and blessing. (John 10:28-30).
In spite of these wonderful changes, however, a week will scarcely pass in a babe’s life (assuming he follows the Lord in Bible study and prayer), that he will not be convicted of some sin of omission or commission (James 4:17), which must be confessed (I John 1:9) and put away (Prov. 28:13). This will continue indefinitely as long as the Believer is growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord JESUS Christ.
Many of these sins of omission and commission were present at the time of conversion and some will lie unnoticed by the Believer for months, until the Lord deals with them. The Holy Spirit is able to coexist with these unconfessed sins. Why then is it so difficult to accept the fact that the Holy Spirit is able to also coexist with indwelling demons until they are detected, hated, renounced and expelled in the Name of Our Lord JESUS Christ?
– I forgive the false teachers that say a Christian can not have a demon within their flesh or soul. God please forgive the false teachers and show them the truth. Please forgive me for believing the false teachers. I forgive myself for the damage done to me and my family by practicing false teachings. I now break any curses of false doctrine on me and my descendants. I ask these things in the blessed name of JESUS Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior.
Unclean spirit, Devils, Divers Diseases, Leprosy, Satan, Dumb, Foul spirit, Deaf, Fever, Infirmity, Lies, Falsities, Sorcery, Bewitchment, Fornication, Destruction, Unforgiveness, Another JESUS, Another Spirit, Another Gospel, Beguiling, Subtlety, Corruption, Weakness, Messenger of Satan, Disobedience, Anger, Lusts of the Flesh, Blasphemy, Seducing Spirits, Desires of the Flesh and Mind, Hypocrisy, Profanity, Doctrines of Devils, Striving, Pride, Seared Conscience, Afflictions, Foolishness, Root of Bitterness, Cults, Despair, Angels of Light, Error, Hopelessness, Spiritual Pride, Deceiving, Suicide, Occultism, Fear, Resentment, Doubt, Depression, Sickness, False Doctrine and Teachers, Magic, Ignorance, Death, Hate
“How Can a Christian Have Demons?”, pp. 136-138, Pigs In The Parlor.
“What About Demons in Christians?”, pp. 109-117, Battling The Hosts Of Hell.
“Who is a Believer?”, pp. 59-60, Annihilating The Hosts Of Hell.
“Results When Demonization of Christian is Denied”, p. 9, Annihilating The Hosts of Hell.
“Warning Signals”, pp. 367-369, Breaking Points.

Chapter Two
4:23-24 All Galilee, Synagogues(vs.23)
• 8:14-17 Peter’s house (vs. 14)
• 8:28-33 Seashore (vs. 32)
• 9:32-33 Outside (vs. 32)
• 10:7-8 Everywhere (vs. 7)
• 12:15,22 Great multitudes (vs. 15)
• 15:22-28 Coasts (vs. 22)
• 16:13-19 Coasts (vs. 13)
• 17:14-21 Multitude (vs. 14)
• 1:23-27 Synagogues (vs. 23)
• 1:32-34 Door-House of Simon and Andrew (vs. 33)
• 1:39-41 Synagogues, all Galilee (vs. 39)
• 3:9-15 Small ship (vs. 9)
• 5:2-20 Out of ship (vs. 2)
• 6:10-15 House (vs. 10)
• 7:24-30 House (vs. 24)
• 9:14-27 Multitude (vs. 14)
• 9:33,39 House (vs. 33)
• 4:33-36 Synagogue (vs. 33)
• 4:38-41 Simon’s house (vs. 38)
• 6:17-19 Plain (vs. 17)
• 8:1-3 Every city and village (vs. 1)
• 8:26-39 Seashore (vs. 26)
• 9:37-42 Down from the hill (vs. 37)
• 11:14-22 Synagogue (vs. 15)
• 13:11-17 Synagogue (vs. 14)
As you can see, JESUS cast out demons in the synagogues, in all Galilee, outside, in the multitude, in houses, at the seashore, in a ship, in the plain, in every city and village, and finally everywhere among the people. I researched the Bible on where JESUS cast out demons; it is essentially everywhere he went. I believe this is what JESUS wants us to do. Since we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we can have church anywhere two or more are gathered together. This can be you and the person you are ministering to.
What is casting out demons? Mark 16:17 says “And these signs (casting out) shall follow them that believe (Christians) in My name (JESUS) shall they “cast out ‘devils’.” Cast out means to eject, bring forth, cast forth, drive out, expel, pluck, pull out, take out, thrust out, put forth, send away and send forth. Casting out demons is a command, not a prayer. For example, the following is a command for DELIVERANCE. “Spirit of rejection I command you to come out of me, John, Jane, etc. in the name of JESUS”.
There is some strong scripture that applies to those who fight against DELIVERANCE, especially in the church:
Matt. 7:6 Dogs…do not throw your pearls before swine.
Matt. 23:27-28 Hypocrites…whitewashed tombs – full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness, full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
They are not fighting against the DELIVERANCE ministers, but against God and His Holy Bible. I pity them when they stand before God in the Great White Throne judgment!
Six references were previously listed telling about JESUS casting out demons in the synagogues even in all Galilee. There is no term of “mass DELIVERANCE” in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. However, there is nothing that says JESUS did not have mass DELIVERANCE! There are references to JESUS healing ALL the sick and casting out demons out of them ALL.
• Matt. 10:7-8 Apostles cast out demons everywhere they went.
• Matt. 11:4-6 We should not be offended in any work of JESUS which includes DELIVERANCE.
• Matt. 18:18-20 We are to “bind, loose and agree”.
• Matt. 28:18-20 Teaching them to observe all things – which includes DELIVERANCE.
• Mark 16:15-20 Go ye into all the world (and churches) – cast out demons.
• Luke 4:18-20 A general charge to Christians to preach DELIVERANCE to captives – set at liberty them that are bruised.
• Luke 7:21-23 Minister to the “blind, lame, lepers, deaf, dead and the poor”.
• Acts 8:5-7 Preaching the Word – unclean spirits came out -healing by DELIVERANCE.
It is clear from the many scriptures that JESUS cast out demons everywhere He went and He wants the Christians to follow His pattern of ministry. The world will never be conquered for God from satan unless DELIVERANCE is practiced world wide! We should have church everywhere we go.
The biggest enemy of God in DELIVERANCE is the Full-Gospel Christian that says that a Christian can not have a demon. They are keeping the world in bondage that cannot be overcome by just salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, divine healing, and material prosperity. God has some strong words to apply to those that fight against Him.
Christians need a lot of mass DELIVERANCE, group DELIVERANCE and individual DELIVERANCE. That’s why JESUS cast out demons everywhere He went.
We need all-out spiritual warfare against satan and his forces of evil. If you look at the statistics of the world, you can see that satan is winning the battle. There will only be a small percentage of the world population in Heaven. It is estimated that only about 2% of the world population and 25% of the Church population will make it to Heaven. “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt. 7:14).

Chapter Three
There are two basic ways to get rid of demons. One way is to exorcise the demon. Exorcism is the method used by those who follow Satan. The other way is DELIVERANCE. DELIVERANCE is the method used by those who follow JESUS CHRIST, Son of Almighty God. If there is anything in a persons life that they cannot control and it is controlled by Satan, then the person is demon.- possessed in that area of their life. We have met few people that are totally demon-possessed in every area of their life.
Our calling is to be teachers. The Lord told us to help train an army of DELIVERANCE workers and ministers as well as the families to minister to themselves. There are tremendous fringe benefits to the ministry of helping your own family. You will see the power of God flow through you, and signs, wonders and miracles performed by God in the people you minister to.
EXORCISM – Native doctors and those who follow Satan (spiritualism, witchcraft, occult and Satan worship) claim that they can cast out demons. The Devil’s followers cannot cast out demons. These people ask you to pay for their services or they are looking for power, drugs, sex or some other gain. A sacrifice may be even be given to appease the demon. A weaker spirit is removed and a stronger spirit is substituted. After exorcism, the person is worse off than before, although for awhile it may look like there is improvement. Satan does not give free gifts; he gets something in return! God is the only one that gives free gifts through JESUS CHRIST.
ORDINARY CHRISTIANS – Christians can cast out demons of any rank in the Mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST (Mark 16:17; Luke 10:17-20). However, there are situations that require more experience than the ordinary Christian would have. These situations are where ordinary DELIVERANCE has not done the job. Here an experienced DELIVERANCE minister is required. Don’t be afraid to get involved as the Holy Spirit leads you. There are too many cowardly Christians and Ministers that are afraid to get involved in this DELIVERANCE which is controversial and unpopular.
General – A DELIVERANCE minister is a person God has especially prepared for this work: teaching, ministry and counseling. The work of the Gospel is supposed to be done as a team (I Cor. 3:5-15). Some ministers are experts at teaching, preaching, pastoring, administering, organizing, counseling, praying, etc. Some are experts at DELIVERANCE (I Cor. 12:4-12; Eph. 4:11-12).
We are supposed to work together, consult together and refer cases to those we know God has made specialists in certain areas. In this way everyone is blessed and the Gospel work advances. The problem is that in a ministry or church one person wants to be everything. He cannot cope with all of the problems and things begin to get out of control. Many people suffer as the result. Disappointment and frustration overcomes them; they leave the church and go back into the world.
Comparison With JESUS – What about JESUS, didn’t He do everything perfectly? However, JESUS had unlimited measure of the Holy Spirit – the Seven Spirits of God (John 3:34; Rev. 4:5 and 5:6). These seven administrations of the Holy Spirit are:
1. The Spirit of Jehovah – the knowledge of Divine will, counsel and power to make the same known to others.
2. The Spirit of Wisdom – not Word of Wisdom.
3. The Spirit of Judgment.
4. The Spirit of Counsel.
5. The Spirit of Might.
6. The Spirit of Knowledge of Jehovah – of His nature, attributes and character.
7. The Fear of Jehovah (Isa. 11:2-3).
God deals with us according to the measure of our faith (Rom. 12:3). CHRIST gives us the Spirit according to His measure (Eph. 4:7). No one is able to measure up to CHRIST and be perfect in all ways all of the time. The fact that a person manifests all of the nine gifts does not necessarily mean he is walking in full measure of CHRIST. If you manifest the nine gifts very well and manifest the nine fruits equally well (Gal. 5:22-24), then you are nearer to being CHRIST-like.
God knows that we grow by stages; that is why he scattered the gifts and ministrations of the Holy Spirit on the church at large. Within each ministry God has put all that is necessary to do the job of the Full Gospel according to Mark 16 if we all work together in the five-fold ministry.
Preparation For The Ministry – The minister on whom God has poured the Spirit of DELIVERANCE from demon-possession needs preparation:
1. The minister needs to surrender fully to God and throw open all the doors and windows of his/her life to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. The work of the DELIVERANCE minister can be a difficult undertaking.
2. The minister needs to be fully equipped.
3. The minister needs a good knowledge of the Scriptures and the Spirit of Understanding.
4. The minister needs a working knowledge of demons. This can only be acquired from learning and experience combined.
5. The minister needs to know how to handle different situations and types of demons.
6. A lengthy discussion of DELIVERANCE is found in our DELIVERANCE Manual which contains four books: Basic DELIVERANCE, Advanced DELIVERANCE, Mass DELIVERANCE, and How To Do DELIVERANCE.
Some Advice – For the person who wants God to use him/her for DELIVERANCE work among those possessed by evil spirits, here is some advice:
1. The person ministering in the area of DELIVERANCE is in a position of all- out warfare with the forces of evil. Many have fallen by the wayside because of ignorance of Bible and of DELIVERANCE, still having many demons within themselves, women and men ministering by themselves, being lured by false doctrines, etc.
2. Demons can be very stubborn and highly seductive. Demons do not easily come out when they have a right before God to stay due to unconfessed sin, curses, soul ties, etc. They can lure the man or woman who is alone into a sex trap destroying the ministry, their family and others who are following that leader.
3. Effective weapons used against ministers are carelessness, pride, immorality, taking God for granted, spiritual weakness, and affliction of wife/husband where the minister refuses to yield to God.
4. DELIVERANCE ministers should train their families and involve them in DELIVERANCE work. Husband and wife should minister together as a team if possible.
– Ministering Among The Demon Possessed, Victoria Eto, Shallom Christian Mission International, P.O. Box 159, Oleh, Bendel State, Nigeria.

Chapter Four
– This short lesson is on some comments about how to have successful DELIVERANCE. The DELIVERANCE Manual goes into detail about how to do DELIVERANCE. We suggest that you study the manual and look up the Scriptures that are referred to therein. You will have a good education in DELIVERANCE after you have finished that study.
We have been going to Lake Hamilton Bible Camp for years as part of the congregation and of the ministry. Through the years, we have ministered to most of those who live and work at the Camp, and minister at the Camp. We have also ministered mass DELIVERANCE and spot DELIVERANCE on a regular basis to those who attend the DELIVERANCE teaching sessions.
Observation of those we have ministered to over the years shows us certain keys to successful DELIVERANCE. If the DELIVERANCE works and is lasting, then the chances are that it was done properly. If not, then you need to keep searching for the right method. Usually, either the person is not disciplining their life or you have used the wrong method of DELIVERANCE.
Every demon within a person has a legal right before God to be there. Satan is a legalist and knows his rights before God to send demons into a person. Learn to think of satan as a lawyer demanding his rights before God. Learn to think of JESUS CHRIST as an advocate, a lawyer, defending our rights before God.
If we take away their legal rights before God to be in a human body, then we can cast them out relatively easily. This method takes away much of the violence that is exhibited when the demons have a right to remain. We had violence and strong manifestations before God taught us this lesson. We would have to hold people on the floor to keep them from hurting themselves and others. We have even had the demons tell us that they would like to leave but they couldn’t because the person had unforgiveness, they were cursed or for some other reason. Once a demon told us that he was held in by a curse.
Earline and I are small of stature, we don’t want our house torn up, and we have no desire to fight physically with demons. We have had faith in God to protect us as we have tried to help others, some of whom had violent histories. God has honored that request and our faith. He has sent angels to protect us and once we knew that an angel had held a young man to keep him from hurting us.
The following are some general categories of demon’s legal rights that you need to remove before you start casting out: soul ties, false religions, occult activities, cursed objects, sins of ancestors and curses. You need to deal with any sin that has been committed that may have opened the door for demons to come in especially unforgiveness. God taught us that unforgiveness is the most important part of DELIVERANCE.
– This camp was founded on the vision given to Glen and Erma Miller by God. It was a vision of a DELIVERANCE camp to set the captives free. The Camp practices DELIVERANCE and teaches about the Kingdom of God. Mass and individual DELIVERANCE is practiced in the men’s and women’s meetings, and in the main DELIVERANCE meetings. As mass DELIVERANCE is proceeding, workers move around and help drive the demons out. Between the meetings, people are worked with for varying periods of time in individual DELIVERANCE.
Different types of DELIVERANCE are individual, small group and large group. Mass DELIVERANCE is simply DELIVERANCE for anyone who can hear the speaker’s voice; it can be two people or hundreds of thousands of people. The most successful is the individual DELIVERANCE. It is also the most time consuming but the most fruitful. DELIVERANCE is not a cure-all but will allow the person to do things they couldn’t do before and to follow God if they are sincere.
HOME MINISTRY – On Sundays, we either go to church, minister in a church, minister in our home or prepare lessons to teach about DELIVERANCE. We have ministered in our home to a wide range of people through the years. The following is the general pattern that we follow. It takes about three to eight hours a session. We see excellent results but it depends on the person disciplining their life after DELIVERANCE.
1. Earline opens the meeting in prayer.
2. We have fellowship for a short period of time.
3. We spend one to three hours getting to know the person and their problems.
4. I write down the person’s history and sins.
5. We counsel and teach the person as it is needed.
6. We take a break for refreshments.
7. We take the person through a prayer where they pray about their sins and the sins of their ancestors. We break Biblical curses and soul ties, renounce occult and false religions, loose Godly Spirits, destroy or exorcise cursed objects, and make positive confessions in CHRIST.
8. We use one or more form prayers for DELIVERANCE.
9. We cast out the demons in the Name of JESUS. We read DELIVERANCE Scripture.
10. We pray for healing as necessary.
11. We counsel the person how to remain delivered.
12. We are led by the Holy Spirit, and we use the years of experience and training that God has given us.
1. Identify your problems.
2. Forgive, pray and get yourself right with God.
3. Break the curses and soul ties on you and your descendants.
4. Cast out your demons.
5. Pray for healing of your soul and body.
6. Discipline your life by changing your way of thinking and acting.
These six steps would also apply to any person that you are ministering to.
It is easy to cast out demons but hard to discipline your life. The key to your remaining free is to discipline your mind and actions.
SUMMARY – Practice systematic DELIVERANCE: basic then advanced then special – both mass and individual. Work on one or more areas of a person’s life at a time. You can not cast out all of the demons at one time; Christians are very demonized!
Pray DELIVERANCE prayers – break Biblical curses and soul ties – renounce occult and false religions – loose Godly Spirits – destroy or exorcise cursed objects – make positive confessions in CHRIST – read DELIVERANCE Scripture.
If the demons do not leave, find out what their legal right is and remove it. Ask God what it is, force the demon to tell you and/or ask the person what sin they or their ancestors committed to get them in that trouble.

Chapter Five
“You are my battle ax and weapons of war” (Jer. 51:20).
The scriptures declare that the Father is counting on the Believer to subdue Satan’s empire (Psalm 149:5-9, Isaiah. 58:1-7, Jer. 1:10, Luke 4:18-19, Ephesians. 2:10, and 3:10, Heb. 2:7-8 and I John 3:8).
This concept of causing the Devil’s forces to war against themselves, and destroy their strength and organized power is not new. It has been used by the Father and is recorded in the scriptures (Judges 7:22).
The scriptures are clear that the Believer has the authority over Satan and all his evil spirits. They are admittedly the creations of the Father (Isa. 45:7).
The scriptures verify that we have total authority vested in us by the Father thru JESUS Christ.
The Believer is in authority over “the work of God’s hands” (Gen. 1:28, Psalm 8:6, Isa. 45:11, Matt. 28:18, Luke 10:19 and Rom. 8:14-23).
JESUS describes DELIVERANCE, Luke 11:21-22, in full with notes.
Here are promises by the Father that He would cause the Devil’s forces to destroy themselves: Psa. 35:1-8, Psa. 37:11-15, Psa. 109:17-18 and 28-29, Isa. 41:11-12, Isa. 49:26 and Eze. 35:6.
This is how the Believer can serve his or her Father in power in the battle planned against Satan.
“Father, I come to you in the name of the Lord JESUS Christ. I take authority over Satan and all his evil spirits from my position at the right hand of the Father, seated above “every name that is named” in the authority of the Lord JESUS Christ.
In the name of the Lord JESUS Christ, I bind the strong man over the world wide organizations such as:
• Masonic Order and Bloodless Religions.
• Catholic Church and False Religions.
• Communist Empire and Godless Governments.
• Illuminatti, Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission
• One World-Wide Union, Longshoreman, UAW and Teamsters.
• World Council of Churches.
• America, Common Market Nations, Canada and Mexico.
• Any religious, political, social or other organization that has practices that are contrary to the Holy Bible.
Notice that every organization has a demonic power ruling over it. This is why we bind powers over America, etc.
“In the authority of JESUS Christ, I take authority over all foul and evil spirits, authorities, princes, kings, powers, world rulers, and the highest and mightiest servants of Satan. I bind them to be powerless in the mighty name of JESUS Christ.
Father, in the authority of the Lord JESUS Christ, I pronounce the judgment written in the scriptures upon the evil and greedy conspirators in and over these world-wide organizations.
As it is written Father, I ask you to bring upon them judgment according to Psalm 1:4, Isa. 41:11-12 and Jer. 17:5-6.”
Satan and his forces continue today in their steadfast opposition against the overwhelming evidence that they will surely lose the battle. Dr. Chafer declares that Satan “is the living contender against the Believer in the realms of spiritual life and activity as well as in the area of flesh and blood”.
Satan and his fallen angels are sharply limited in power compared with God, for they are mere finite creatures who can do nothing outside the permissive will of God.
Robert Peterson points out that, “The master passion of Satan for worship leads him to gain worship by whatever method brings the best results. He gains the worship of millions of intelligent people through counterfeit systems of truth, persuading them that he does not exist; or that he holds no dread for the educated and informed, who either belittle his influence or dismiss it as humbug. The superstitious on the other hand, are held in bondage by fear, a fear the western world cannot understand because it defies explanation”. As Mrs. George Needham observes: “The root of idolatry is demonology. All its stupidity and senseless ceremony are but addenda to the main facts. The senses are gratified, the passions unloosed the conscience deluded-but chief over all, Satan is worshipped.
The demons, and all their dupes, reject the Bible. So are Christians also dupes who reject any part of the Bible.
That morning I had preached on the triumph which is in the very name of JESUS in every area. A prophecy had followed confirming this truth. Demons frequently confirm that the Bible is true.
There can be very little doubt that the demons do have a highly organized empire of evil, Peterson writes out of direct observation as a missionary in Borneo. “I myself have heard through the lips of possessed persons two demons arguing over disputed territory. It seems that the demons are given boundaries over which they are not allowed to pass. Again I have heard demons trying to assert authority over other demons. If the one trying to usurp authority is lower in rank than the other one, there is apt to be violence. On the other hand, if the demon is high in rank, other demons must submit to his higher authority.”
“With those who are immersed in idolatry, Satan gains his end through fear, but with those who, having the Bible, should be acquainted with the Devil’s devices, his most effective work is that of deluding men into believing that all this talk of demonic activity is mere superstition and unscientific nonsense, so fulfilling Satan’s description as the one ‘who deceiveth the whole world’ (Rev. 12:9).”
Michael Harper flashes the alert that, “Behind the facade of religious life there is a spiritual battle raging. There seem to be many who are not fully aware of this warfare. From time to time there is a dramatic collision between the power of the Spirit and that of Satan. Success for the Christian will depend in a large measure on recognizing the work of the Devil and knowing how to defeat and expel him from every situation”. “So it is today, there is a fierce conflict and there are those who do not wish to pass this way. But we cannot avoid the battle-for if we do not fight the enemy, he will still come at us.”
This conflict began long before the birth of JESUS and reached its height during His ministry. It will continue until Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
Early in this century, Mrs. Penn-Lewis noted, “It is clear in Bible history that the manifestation of the power of God at Pentecost, and through the Apostles, meant again an aggressive attitude to the powers of darkness. Therefore, the growth and maturity of the Church of Christ at the end of the dispensation will mean the same recognition, and the same attitude toward the Satanic hosts of the Prince of the Power of the Air; with the same co-witness of the Holy Spirit to the authority of the Name of JESUS, as in the early Church. In brief, that the Church of Christ will reach its high water mark, when it knows how to ‘bind the strong man’ by prayer; ‘command’ the spirits of evil in the Name of Christ, and deliver men and women from their power.”
Harper writes these encouraging words: “These wicked beings can suggest evil, but cannot coerce the will of another creature. They may spread snares and devices to ruin the children of God, but cannot compel any other being to comply with their designs, nor can they employ God’s creation other than as He decrees. They have never been able to defeat God, and actually God uses them as instruments to correct the erring saints” (Luke 22:31-32, I Cor. 5:5, I Tim.1:20).
Someone has remarked that Satan is like a monkey wrench which the Lord uses to tighten up loose nuts! Be of good cheer, saints of God! Satan is severely limited and all his bluster and bluff about ‘all power’ is sham. Our God is still on the throne and He rules! Hallelujah!
ON WITH THE BATTLE! by J.M. Haggard, Route 6, Box 250, Muncie, Indiana 47302.
Excerpts were taken from this booklet; we recommend that you examine the full contents.

Chapter Six
– God is sovereign and can do anything. However, He will not violate the Holy Bible.
We will never reach the state of life where we do not make any mistakes in judgment or commit any sins, and do have perfect knowledge like God. To be perfect you must completely follow the whole Bible and be like JESUS CHRIST continually.
I have heard sermon after sermon that said all you have to do is pray or do some other part of our Christian duty. I have heard many sermons that someday God is going to do great things so that it will be easy to do great miracles.
We live in the nasty now and now. The only thing that counts is what will work. I want to see results, not hear theories about what God will do in the future.
Many times we work with pastors, DELIVERANCE workers and those who have been subjected to DELIVERANCE. As we work with these people in personal DELIVERANCE, we find that they have many demons.
Our desire is to see people really helped. I am an engineer, not a preacher. I am trained to see practical results and to be efficient. There is no place in my life for spiritual fantasy.
These are my comments after eleven years of intensive experience of working countless hours with thousands of people. DELIVERANCE is a continuous learning experience and will be until we die. No one ever arrives in God’s Kingdom. Much time has been spent in prayer, meditation, study, research, fasting, and association with others who write and minister DELIVERANCE.
– There is one Satan – one individual not omniscient, omnipresent or omnipotent like God.
There are millions of fallen angels. Rev. 5:11 calculates at least 101,000,000 total angels. Rev. 12:4 calculates at least 33,700,000 fallen angels.
There are billions of demons. We only work with Christians and find that they have many demons. If the world has billions of people and Christians have many demons, then there must be many billions of demons.
Demons probably come from a Pre-Adamic Race but there is no scriptural reference that can be found to prove this statement.
Satan is in charge (Chief of Staff). The fallen angels are his officers. The demons are his foot soldiers.
We cast about 10,000 demons out of one man over a nine-month period. The demons freely talked, and gave us information about their rank and number. One demon said that a person could have tens of thousands of demons. This is probably someone that has worshiped Satan.
– We will be in a battle with Satan and his evil forces until we die. He never quits and we should never quit. Satan counts on us being quitters; we must persist!
The battle becomes more fierce as we are used more by God. However, the victories become greater and more pleasing to us and God.
Satan came to steal, kill and destroy; he works hard at his job. He will take everything from you that you will let him have.
Christians want to have their needs met quickly and easily. God simply does not work this way. You have to persist over a long period of time to restore your life. If it took you years to get into the spiritual and physical mess that you are in, why would you expect God to restore you overnight?
Christians expect God to be like a fast-food restaurant and to dish the food out on a silver platter. God cut a Covenant with you. He will always do His part but He will not do your part of the covenant.
Satan is a good Devil and works twenty-four hours a day at his job of destroying you. We need to be as good at being Christians as Satan is good at being evil.
You must learn what your condition is: mentally, physically, spiritually and materially. You must learn why you got into that condition so that you will not repeat the same mistakes.
There is no cure-all in the Bible. You must use all the provisions of the Bible to lead a balanced life. There are no shortcuts to a successful Christian life.
God realizes that the human race is lazy. We want what God has for us without having to put out much effort. That is why God requires us to work at being Christians.
The casting out of demons will not work by itself. It must be combined with teaching about DELIVERANCE and with the disciplining of your life. You must learn to change the way you think and act.
There is a curse against Christians who will not fight God’s battles (I Kings 20:35-42 and Jer. 48:10).
Probably the greatest hindrances in the lives of Christians are unforgiveness, rejection, bitterness and rebellion.
Christians will never conquer the world for God in their present condition without DELIVERANCE. The church is in a pitiful state.
We have ministered to Christians with problems for over eleven years. It has shown us that the average Christian is very demonized. The amazing thing is how a person can even function with so many demons.
You must clean your house of cursed objects. You must do the things necessary to live a victorious Christian life: have a working knowledge of the Bible and put that knowledge into practice.
The best way to view DELIVERANCE is to look at what JESUS CHRIST did and said in the Bible. It is estimated that he spent a fourth to a third of his time teaching and ministering DELIVERANCE. If He thought it was that important, then we should too!
DELIVERANCE consists of about three equal parts: teaching, casting out and counseling. There are many good books on DELIVERANCE and the there is much in the Bible on this subject. The people need mass, group and individual DELIVERANCE. Finally, they need counseling so that they can discipline their minds and bodies.
Satan fights DELIVERANCE more than any other area of the Christian life. This is the last battleground to complete victory. When you get saved, you become a Foot Soldier. When you receive the Baptism, you become a Marine and are sent to the front line. When you enter into DELIVERANCE, you become a Paratrooper and are parachuted behind the Gates of Hell for all-out spiritual warfare.
DELIVERANCE is the most controversial area of the Christian life. Christians generally either do not get involved or only get involved slightly. Because of this, there are weaknesses in the ministry of DELIVERANCE.
The biggest weakness is trying to cover DELIVERANCE by just casting out demons without proper teaching or counseling. Here, many Christians only go after the surface demons and do not go after the root causes of why the person got into those problems in the first place.
The second biggest weakness is not walking out the DELIVERANCE. After the demons are cast out, a person must change their ways of thinking and acting or they will let the demons come back into them. A person needs extensive counseling to help them do this and they must decide to change their lives.
The third biggest weakness is the lack of teaching on DELIVERANCE. There is a large body of knowledge about DELIVERANCE but you hear little practical teaching come from the pulpit.
DELIVERANCE will not be completely successful unless there is a balance in the church and in the congregation of teaching, ministry and counseling. We have seen partial failures because people relied on just casting out demons, not disciplining their lives or not studying DELIVERANCE.
We have never seen a Christian that was not helped in some measure by DELIVERANCE. The measure of success is mainly dependent upon the person receiving DELIVERANCE. They must be persistent and consistent. They must set their face like flint to walk out their DELIVERANCE over an extended period of time!

Chapter Seven
It bothers me for preachers to give a sermon and then say that this sermon is the answer to all of your problems. Then for the preacher to do the same thing next week or week after week. There is no one answer to the Christian life. This lesson is what God has shown us about the Christian life; it is an overview. We are not completely living this life but we are improving as time goes by. I don’t want to bring you into condemnation. You need to realize that it takes time to change your life; it actually takes years. God is a God of Restoration and you will spend your whole life being restored. I believe that if we were completely restored, we would be like Adam and Eve; able to do anything that God wants us to do. Our goal is to be more like JESUS CHRIST realizing that we will never be another JESUS CHRIST.
GENERAL – To live the whole Christian life means to obey the whole Bible. It means that every aspect of our lives must be lined up with the precepts of the Bible. This includes the mental, physical, spiritual and material parts of our lives. The Bible tells us how to live in every area of our lives. God is not out-of-date; He didn’t forget anything in the Bible for our modern age.
MENTAL – We must discipline our mind, will and emotions. We learn to control our thinking the same way we control our physical body. The physical is told what to do; so, the brain is also told what to think by the spirit. The Holy Spirit leads our spirit which leads our soul which leads our body. The passive mind is an empty vessel inviting demons to have their way.
PHYSICAL – We must take care of our physical body. We should not abuse it by food, drink, drugs, etc. that we put into the body. We should not sin against the body by committing sexual sin. The body needs some physical exercise but not before spiritual exercise. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should be a place where the Holy Spirit would want to live.
SPIRITUAL – We must feed the spiritual man within us. This requires living the Christian life. That requires reading the Bible, fasting, praying, fellowship with other Christians and other Christian activities. After salvation, it includes obtaining the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, learning about divine healing and divine health, DELIVERANCE and casting out demons, and prosperity for all areas of our life.
MATERIAL – We must learn that God is our source who will supply all of our needs. We learn to look to God rather than to ourselves or to man. We learn to have faith and trust in God. We will prosper mentally, physically, spiritually and even materially. Remember that the love of money is the root of all evil.
– Learn how to lead people to salvation and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other TONGUES. Learn how to pray for healing and how to cast out demons. Learn how to have prosperity in every area of your life; you will prosper as your spirit prospers.
SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY – We are a spirit that has a body and a soul. The spirit and soul reside in the body which is a temporary house. Our spirit and soul will be with us in Heaven. The order of importance is spirit first, soul second and body last.
GOD, FAMILY AND OCCUPATION – The order of importance is God first, family second and occupation last. Most of my life was spent in the reverse order: occupation first, family second and God last. If you put God first in your life, He will help you to work with you to work out the remainder of your life (family, occupation, etc.) so that everything will work together for the Glory of God and to your benefit.
SHORTCUTS TO THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – There are no excuses in the Bible. There are no shortcuts to the whole Christian life. You must work to live the Christian life. It is not a passive, spectator sport of watching others do your work. You must work at being a good mate, a good parent, a good child and a good Christian all of your life. God does not honor lazy Christians.
BATTLE AGAINST EVIL – Satan is good at his job of being evil. He works twenty-four hours a day at destroying you. His demons never rest. You need to be as good at being a Christian as Satan is good at being evil. You will battle evil until you die. Learn to be a good soldier for the Lord.
CHARISMATIC WITCHCRAFT – You must learn to follow God and not man. Don’t fall into the trap of idolizing your leader. You must be free from man so that you can do what God wants in your life.
PROMISES IN THE BIBLE – There are many promises to Christians in the Bible. However, for every promise there is a condition. You will not receive the promise if you do not fulfill the condition. We want to live a haphazard, sinful Christian life and yet receive all of the blessings from God. It won’t work; God is not mocked.
BLESSINGS AND CURSES – There is a blessing for every verse in the Bible that you obey. There is a curse for every verse in the Bible that you disobey. If you obey half of the Bible, you are half blessed and half cursed. Decide to follow the whole Bible, not just a selected part of it.
SIN IN YOUR LIFE – If you have sin in your life, you have opened the door for Satan and his demons to attack you, your family and your church. Sin is a crack in your armor whether known or unknown to you. You or your ancestors have invited Satan to come into your life and work havoc.
DEMONS AND CURSES IN YOUR LIFE – You must systematically work at riding yourself of curses and demons. It is much easier to live without your demons than with your demons. It is easier to live with the demons on the outside than on the inside of the body. Christians have many curses and demons, and must work over an extended period of time to rid themselves of these. What the church needs more than anything else is DELIVERANCE. They will never win the battle with Satan without DELIVERANCE. We need to cast out demons as a natural part of our Christian life.
Satan’s MASTER PLAN TO DESTROY THE HUMAN RACE – Satan first wants you to get rejected. Then he causes you to become bitter by having unforgiveness. Finally he leads you into rebellion. You are then programmed to go into many other demonic activities such as sexual sin to gain love that you didn’t receive as a child.
– These three families, “The Three R’s”, of demons are the root causes of most of our problems as Christians. We must work to cleanse our lives of all rejection, bitterness and rebellion so that we are not controlled in any way by these emotions and reactions. Unforgiveness is very detrimental to our lives. We must forgive everyone who has done anything to us – actual or imagined. Hate, vengeance, envy and strife have no part in our lives.
CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS MIND – You must deal with why you consciously do things that are displeasing to God. You must deal with why you do things subconsciously without active thought on your part. You must check every area of your live that does not glorify JESUS, further the Kingdom of God, please the Holy Spirit within you, line up with the Bible, and make good sense. Your mind will be slowly restored as you follow the Bible and walk the Christian walk.
CLEANING YOUR HOME AND YOUR PERSON – You must clean your home and your person (body) of cursed objects. If you have cursed objects, you become cursed and you will have demons living with you. They don’t just come to live in your home or on your person, they come to torment you and your family.
– We need mass and individual DELIVERANCE to rid ourselves of curses and demons. We need teaching and counseling to learn to discipline our minds and bodies. We need plenty of DELIVERANCE and teaching; it should be about one third of our church services.
MAINTAINING DELIVERANCE AND CHRISTIANITY – When you receive DELIVERANCE, you must fight to maintain it by changing your way of thinking and acting. You maintain your Christianity by continuing to live the Christian life. If you are not going forward with JESUS, you are going backwards with Satan. You must fight to discipline your soul and body. We can’t just cast out your demons and you will live happily ever after. Start testifying about your DELIVERANCE; it will strengthen you.
DISCIPLINE FOR MIND AND BODY – Your mind must be disciplined so that it will think properly in accordance with the Bible. You must learn to act according to God rather than react according to Satan when presented with problems. You must discipline your body by getting proper sleep, exercise and food. You need sufficient rest for recuperation, physical exercises to keep the body working properly and the right food to sustain the body. You can sleep too much or too little. Lack of exercise will allow the body to deteriorate. Eat the right food and keep your body trim, not overweight.
LEARN ABOUT THE REAL ENEMY – You must educate yourself about Satan and his kingdom of evil so that you are not destroyed by ignorance about the wiles of Satan. You need to read and study to show yourself approved as a workman for God. Find out what the Bible has to say about evil; don’t just study the Love of God and His Promises to you. Don’t fall into traps of the occult, false religions and other demonic practices such as certain holidays. Learn to see the forces of evil working in the lives of those people God tells us about in the Bible. The Bible contains much scripture about DELIVERANCE and demonic activity. We have written a “DELIVERANCE Manual” to teach people about the enemy.
DEALING WITH THE REALITY OF LIFE – God is total reality; there is no fantasy or play acting in God. There is no unreality in the Bible. Christians should not deal in any spiritual fantasy. Fantasy is very simply a lie from satan who is the father of lies.
DIVINE HEALING AND DIVINE HEALTH – It is wonderful that God will heal our bodies supernaturally by miracles or over a period of time. However, we need to learn to walk in divine health as a normal part of our lives. To walk in divine health requires taking care of our bodies and walking blameless before God. Drunkenness and gluttony are the same in the Sight of God. Demonic sex can destroy our bodies and take us to Hell.
BODY AND MIND DELIVERED AND HEALED – You need your body free from diseases and your mind free from demonic emotions. To get free, you must pray that God will heal you, and you cast out the demons that control your emotions and diseases in your body. Healing and DELIVERANCE go hand-in-hand. Many times people do not get healed by prayer because they need their demons cast out. Medicine taken to cure the body is all right if you do not have faith in God to heal you supernaturally.
DELIVERANCE FOR MIND AND BODY – You must deal with the areas of curses, soul ties, occult, false religions and cursed objects to get free. Curses and soul ties must be broken. Occult and false religious ties must be severed. Cursed objects must be destroyed. Then the demons must be cast out. Finally, you must discipline your life so that the demons will not come back into you.
– There is no need for the whole profession of treating the mind in the Christian world; the heathen have no other source than this profession. The Bible clearly has made provisions for taking care of the mind without drugs. A Christian can deliver and counsel other Christians far more effectively than any heathen worker in the mental field of medicine. Drugs for the mind is a form of sorcery used to control the demons in the mind; do not take these medicines.
– Infirmities from weakness to terminal diseases can come from your ancestors; they are transmitted by demons through the blood line. Infirmities can come in through your sins. Arthritis and cancer can come in through unforgiveness and bitterness. You must repent and get right with God, break the curses on you by your ancestors and cast out the demons.
FAMILY – Everyone in the family needs DELIVERANCE. You need to learn to pray for each other and your children. Don’t wait for the pastor to do it or it will never get done. The Bible has much scripture about how the godly family should be and the right relationship of the family to God. One of the key areas is to be thankful for what we have and what God is doing in our lives. We must come out of sin and death into holiness and life. It requires a lot of work to be a good homemaker: husband, wife or children.

Chapter Eight
We frequently encounter Christian fantasy especially in the Full-Gospel Movement. Hos. 4:6, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We perish because of our ignorance. II Tim. 2:15, Study to shew thyself approved unto God. You must study by yourself; you can not depend on others to teach you everything. II Tim. 3:16, All scripture is given by inspiration of God. Many times you get little scripture in a message and a lot of man’s words. The Bible from cover to cover must be read repeatedly and meditated upon. James 1:22, But be ye doers of the word. It does no good just to read or hear the Word of God; you must put it into practice. Head knowledge will get you to Hell; heart knowledge will get you to Heaven. As you can see from these scriptures, you must study the whole Bible and put it into practice. We are not just New Testament Christians ignoring the Old Testament. We are children of God following the whole Word of God.
After Byron died, I decided to quit playing church and start following God as my Lord, Master and Savior; before then He was only my Christ. I was concerned because I had not gone to the seminary or Bible school. God told me just to accept the Bible in simple childlike faith, put it into practice and watch it work. That fit in well with my practical engineering background. Since that time, I have followed those instructions; signs, wonders and miracles have followed the teaching of the Word.
DEFINITIONS – Fantasy: hallucination, fanciful, imagination, caprice, unrealistic, improbable, daydream. Fable: story, fictitious, legend, falsehood, lie. Cliche: stereotype, trite, overly familiar. Myth: parable, allegory, tradition, unfounded, false, imaginary, unverifiable.
TRUTH – Deut. 32:4, A God of truth. Isa. 65:16, The God of truth. Our God is the one and only God; He is the God of Truth. I Kings 17:24, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God. If you are of God, then truth will flow thru your mouth. Jer. 4:2, The Lord liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness. Many Christians fall into Satan’s trap that God is love only and not judgment also. John 4:23, Worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Some are not true worshipers but are hypocrites that are putting on a religious show that stinks in God’s nostrils. John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life. Unless we accept JESUS CHRIST on His terms, we will never come to the Father. I John 1:8, We deceive ourselves. There was only one perfect person on earth – JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God. All others sin. To be perfect, you must completely follow the whole Word of God every moment of your life. Gal. 4:16, Am I therefore become your enemy? Do you get mad at Earline and me because we tell you about the hard sayings in the Bible, and do not pet you in your sins and weaknesses? We call this practice petting demons.
LIES – Num. 23:19, God is not a man that He should lie. God doesn’t lie but man does. I Sam. 15:29, Will not lie nor repent. God doesn’t have to repent for lying but man should. Job 11:3, Should thy lies make men hold their peace? Eze. 13:10, Peace; and there is no peace. The ministry cries peace, peace when America and the world are deteriorating into sin and degradation. Prov. 6:19, A false witness that speaketh lies. There are a lot of pat phrases in the Christian world that are not true when put to the test. This is false witness and deceives others. Prov. 19:9, He that speaketh lies shall perish. It is dangerous to follow false teachings of any kind and you will perish in some manner. You will pay for any area of the Bible that you are ignorant of. As Earline says, you burn while you learn. Isa. 9:15, The prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. Instead of being a head of Christianity, he will be the tail. Isa. 28:15, Under falsehood have we hid ourselves. Are Christian fables your refuge? Isa. 63:8, Children that will not lie. God’s people do not lie. Jer. 14:14, The prophets prophesy lies in my name. People prophesy in the name of God but the prophesy comes from their soul. It is a soulish prophesy that frequently ends with “thus saith the Lord”. Jer. 23:14, They commit adultery and walk in lies. How many preachers and teachers have you seen committing adultery and teaching lies? Jer. 23:25, Saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. These are false prophets with false dreams. Jer. 23:32, Cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness. False prophesy will cause the people to err. Taking Christianity lightly is error. Eze. 13:19, To slay the souls that should not die. This is talking about false prophetesses. Acts 5:4, Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. Some lies are unto God. If you say your soulish prophesy is from God, then you are lying about God. I Tim. 4:2, Speaking lies in hypocrisy. Hypocrites who depart from the faith continue to teach lies. Rom. 1:25, Who changed the truth of God into a lie. God will give Christians over to vile affections who want to believe lies. Heb. 6:18, It was impossible for God to lie. It is comforting to know that God does not lie and we can completely rely on His Word. We can trust our lives in the hands of God.
CHRISTIAN FABLES AND CLICHES – There are many fables and cliches (Glen Miller calls them tradition) that are passed off as the Gospel. Generally, these are sayings that make you fell good. They take many different forms. If repeated often enough, the Christian world believes they are true. Some of these follow; the list could go on and on.
“God will do everything for you; you don’t have to do anything yourself.” God will always do His part of the covenant; we must do our part also. “God will take care of your family if you take care of God’s business.” We have no right to neglect our families. “All of God’s promises are ours.” The promises are ours only if we meet the conditions. For every promise there is a condition.
DELIVERANCE MYTHS – There is much ignorance and many myths about DELIVERANCE. DELIVERANCE is the most misunderstood part of the Christian life. Most traditional Christians know little or nothing about Satan and his army. They do not believe they have a personal Devil, Satan. Most Full-Gospel Christians do not believe that a Christian can have a demon in the body or soul. Satan is eating their lunch and they think it is just the flesh. Many DELIVERANCE workers and ministers do not realize how demonized they and the Christian body still are. Sometimes they fall by the wayside because they do not continue to purge their bodies of demons.
DELIVERANCE is the most controversial and unpopular part of the Christian life. Unless the Church gets involved on a regular basis with DELIVERANCE, many Christians will continue to be defeated by Satan. The Devil will use their ignorance to plague the Church.
When the Christian finally accepts that he can have a demon, the response is that he can only have a few demons. Actually, Christians have many demons. When the young Christian starts to cast out demons, he will make statements like, “You are completely free of demons.” JESUS never told anyone in the Bible that they were completely free of demons. He spent days casting out demons from the multitudes.
PROPHECY MYTHS – Prophecies can be a blessing or a curse. Personal prophecy has caused some Christians to try to make it come true with disastrous results. The most danger for abuse lies in personal prophecy. Charismatic witches use personal prophecy to control others. Some Christians think that they have to have a word from the Lord or there is something wrong with them.
The true prophet does not make any mistakes. All of his prophecies come true. In the Old Testament, if the prophet missed God, he was stoned (Deut. 13:1-5, 18:20). I wonder what would happen if we killed the false prophets today.
Many prophecies are soulish prophecies which are made up in the mind of man or woman. Frequently they do not line up with the Bible. Sometimes people prophecy just to be noticed.
You have a responsibility to check out everything you see, hear or read by the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit within you, and by your intelligence. Otherwise, you will follow every wind of false doctrine.
Some prophecy is divination. Divination is the false gift of prophecy. It has destroyed churches and ministries across the land. The prophecies are right on but the purpose is to control. The diviners want to take over the pastor, then the church, and finally the property.
Satan has a counterfeit for everything that God has created. Just because it is spiritual and happens in the church, does not mean that it is from God. The demons go to church with the Christians and non-Christians to hinder or destroy the church. Don’t underestimate the power of Satan and his forces; he is the second-most powerful spiritual being in the universe, only second to JESUS CHRIST who defeated him. We have power over Satan only because of JESUS CHRIST.
BATTLE MYTHS – There are many myths about Christian warfare. Most Christians don’t know that we are in a battle. Actually, we are in a life and death battle with Satan and his host of demons. We have to fight to take the Kingdom of God by force from the enemy. Satan is a good Devil, a worthy Adversary, at what he does; he works twenty-four hours a day to destroy us. He will probably take 98% of the world population and 75% of the church population to Hell with him. His army consists of billions of demons and hundreds of millions of fallen angels. He has multiplied demons for every person on earth, now about four billion people.
You will be tempted until you die. God will not stop the temptation but will make a way for you to escape. You need to learn to war in the spirit world to protect yourself and your family. The best defense against Satan is a good offense which is all-out spiritual warfare. God didn’t provide any armor for our backs as cowards running from the enemy.
GENERAL MYTHS – The following are negative statements or myths: “There is a single answer to my problems and living the Christian life. My problems in life can be worked out overnight. We can pick and choose what parts of the Bible to follow. It is not necessary to discipline our soul or body. We can let our mind be blank and God will fill it. We do not have to take care of our body; God will heal us when we get sick. We can let others feed us spiritually; we don’t need to do it ourselves. We don’t need to go to church; all we have to do is watch television evangelism. If we don’t like DELIVERANCE, we can ignore it. God will supply everything we desire. If we can just find an anointed man or woman of God, they will pray for us and everything will be fine. We can live with one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom of God. If you do God’s work, you can ignore your responsibilities. I can be a passive Christian and watch others do the work of God. The pastor and leaders do the work, not me. I am not in a war, God will fight all of my battles. All I have to do is to follow my pastor; he will hear from God for me. We can live a sinful life and receive all of God’s blessings. I can sin, get forgiven and my family will not suffer. All we need to have in the church is token DELIVERANCE. Rejection is not a demon. I have a right to my unforgiveness because of the way I have been treated. Sex is love. Bad emotions are not demonic. I do not have to examine every area of my life. I can keep my cursed objects without causing any harm.
We can get all of our demons cast out in one grand event. I can be ashamed of my DELIVERANCE; God won’t mind. When someone makes me mad, I can react however I feel. I can be ignorant of Satan’s wiles; what I don’t know can’t hurt me. God is love; He won’t send me to Hell. I can do anything I want to; God will protect me. God is pie-in-the-sky by-and-by. We can be gluttons as long as we are not drunkards. I do not need to get my demons cast out; all I need is to get prayer for me to be healed. It is all right to take mind control drugs. I need to go to a psychiatrist; God is not interested in my mind. The sins of my ancestors will not cause me any problems. I can do things my way; God will approve.”
TRADITION NOT COVERED – There are other areas that were not covered in this lesson. Some of these areas are holidays, puppetry, origin of evil, false strength of Christians, divine order, separation of healing and DELIVERANCE, taking care of the body and soul, what you sow – that you reap, Christians are not cursed, and parlor games won’t hurt you. When this lesson was taught at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, Glen Miller commented on these subjects. Tommy Cook also reviewed the topic of Prophecy Myths.
PRAYER – Before DELIVERANCE from demon bondage, pray about being controlled by charismatic witchcraft or trying to control other’s wills which is also witchcraft. Repent, take authority over these forces, break soul ties, and break curses placed upon you. Then cast out the demons.
Mass DELIVERANCE Manual, Lists of Demons – Use “Ahab and Jezebel”, “Bad Habits of Thinking and Reacting”, “Charismatic Witchcraft”, “Holidays”, and “When Demonization of Christians is Denied”. The following is a general list to use:
Christian Fantasy and Fables, Christian Tradition and Cliches, Lies, Lying, Deceit, Deception, Ignorance, Laziness, Slothfulness, Playing Church, Play Acting, Lying Teachers and Prophets, False Witness, Falsehood, Pat Phrases, Soulish Prophecy, Spiritual Adultery, False Dreams and Visions, Charismatic Witches and Warlocks, False Prophetesses, Hypocrisy, Vile Affections, Theatrics, Sophistication, Pretension, Divination, False Gifts and Fruits, Greed, Gluttony, Drunkenness, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Rebellion

Chapter Nine
Part of your battle in the Christian World is your daily prayers. It is desirable to establish a pattern for your daily praying. You do not need to pray exactly as we do but let the Holy Spirit show you what to pray about. It needs to be personalized for your life. These examples may help you to establish your prayers. We have several prayers that we use almost every day except for interruptions. These prayers help us get the day started off in the Lord. As priest and head of the home, I pray out loud and Earline agrees with me. It is very important and powerful for husband and wife to agree together in prayer.
PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING – I usually get up at 6:00 a.m. every morning. After toiletries, I exercise and then give thanks to God to get the day started off right. It is extremely important that we maintain “an attitude of gratitude” towards God for the constant help He gives us. If you are grateful to God, this will solve many of your problems and wrong thought processes. While I am getting dressed, Earline may be praying in bed before she gets up.
“Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank you for divine health: mental, physical, spiritual and material for Earline and I. Thank you for all blessings known and unknown, and for showering down blessings on us so great that we can not receive them. Thank you for the complete restoration of our bodies. Thank you for restoring Earline’s mouth, torso and feet. Thank you for restoring my face, back and legs. We especially thank you for restoring us from cancer and lupus. Thank you now for restoring our mouths and respiratory systems so that we can do Your Work. Amen.”
PRAYER AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE – Before we eat breakfast, we pray another prayer for the food and other things. We believe that you should pray before every meal. Pray out loud if possible; if you can not, pray silently. It is extremely important for God to bless the food you eat to protect your body. I pray the following prayer and Earline agrees with me.
“Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank you Lord for a good day, for protecting us against powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Now Lord, we apply the blood over and bind Satan away from Earline and I, Marie, Nathan and Nat, our jobs and our clients, Manna Baptist Church, Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, Trinity New Testament Fellowship, A & E Testing, our possessions and everything that we have any part in. Lord send your angels to minister unto us, build a ring of Holy Ghost Fire around us and cover us with Your Blood. We pray for the United States of America and Israel, the Christians and the Jews, the churches that worship JESUS in spirit and truth. We ask for courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray especially for the leaders and ask a double portion for our families. We ask divine favor with You in accordance with the Holy Word of God, with each other and those we come into contact with today. We confess that this is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. If God be for us, who can be against us? You have given us power over all the power of the enemy and we intend to exercise it by the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Now Lord, we ask that you lead, guide, direct and protect us. Let us walk in your perfect will; we yield ourselves to you today. We thank you for our food, clothing and shelter, for everything that you have done for us known and unknown. We ask you to bless this food to our bodies, purify and cleanse it so that our temples will be fit for the Holy Spirit to reside in. All these things we ask in the Blessed Name of JESUS CHRIST, our Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.”
PRAYER FOR THE DAY – We usually eat breakfast in a restaurant. After we come home, we pray for the day. After the following prayer, we pray for specific needs that we feel impressed to pray about. This is a prayer for the world and things that are important to us. I pray this prayer, Earline agrees with me, and she then prays as she is led.
“Dear Lord, we ask you to forgive Earline and I of our sins, teach us and show us so that we will be pleasing in your sight. We pray for ourselves, Marie, Nathan and Nat, this day and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for each other, this day and most of all for You. We pray for our relatives and friends, our Christian brothers and sisters. We pray for those who labor in the field of DELIVERANCE, for their families, churches and ministries that You would give them a triple-fold portion of courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray for the Army of the Lord that it would grow strong and mighty and be valiant and do exploits in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. We pray that DELIVERANCE would come to the forefront of Christianity. We pray for those that we have ministered to, for their families, churches and ministries that they would go on with the Lord. We pray for all men everywhere that they would come into the saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. We pray for Manna Baptist Church, for Butch and Lois; for Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, for Glen and Erma, Kevin and Patti, and Daniel; for Trinity New Testament Fellowship, for Reggie and Pat. We pray for the five-fold ministry, for their families, churches and ministries. We pray for A & E Testing and for our business. We pray Your Blessings on these. We bind up all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We lose the powers of God: warring angels, ministering angels, Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God to come down and do a mighty battle on earth today. We bind up every force of evil and loose every force of good that we have the power and authority to do so in JESUS’ Name. We thank you Lord for power and authority over the enemy, and the use of the Name of JESUS CHRIST for its in His Name we pray. Amen.”
PRAYER IN A RESTAURANT – It is not necessary to pray a long prayer in a loud voice in a public place. In fact, this practice may do more harm than good to Christianity. We feel it is better to softly pray a short prayer out loud than not to pray at all. We use this prayer for a meal or for a snack in public. It can also be used at home for snacks between meals.
“Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank You Lord for this food. Bless, purify and cleanse it so that we can be fit temples for the Holy Spirit to reside in. We break any curses on it and eat it with thanksgiving. For it’s in JESUS’ Name we pray. Amen.”
PRAYERS DURING THE DAY OR NIGHT – The remainder of the day we pray as the Holy Spirit leads us. These can be prayers in other TONGUES or in English. These can be prayers together or alone. They can be prayers out loud or silently. They can be prayers with your eyes closed or just going about the business of life. There is no set way that you have to pray. If we have a God consciousness, the Holy Spirit is praying through our spirit without ceasing. If it is important, we try to get together to pray and agree. Sometimes we ask the Holy Spirit to impress the other person to pray at the same time when we are separated. It is beautiful to know that the other mate was praying at the same time in an emergency.

Chapter Ten
• Gen. 1:28 We are to subdue the earth…….3:15 JESUS bruised the head of Satan.
• Ex. 15:3 The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.
• Num. 23:8 How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed?
• Psa. 5:10 Let them fall by their own counsels.
o …….6:10………Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed.
o …….7:15………And is fallen in the ditch which he made.
o …….8:6………..Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands.
o …….10:15…….Break thou the arm of the wicked and evil men.
o …….17:13…….Arise , O Lord, disappoint him, cast him down.
o …….24:8………The Lord mighty in battle.
o …….28:4………Render to them their desert.
o …….35:8………Let his net that he hath hid catch himself.
o …….37:14…….And to slay such as be of upright conversation.
o …….55:9………Destroy, O Lord, and divide their TONGUES.
o …….57:6………Into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves.
o …….58:6……..Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth.
o …….59:11……Scatter them by thy power; and bring them down.
o …….68:18……Thou hast led captivity captive.
o …….69:22……Which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.
o …….83:9……..A prayer against them that oppress the church.
o …….109:17….As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him.
o …….109:28….When they arise, let them be ashamed.
o …….109:29…..Let them cover themselves with their own confusion.
o …….140:9…….Let the mischief of their own lips cover them.
o …….149:6-9…A two edged sword in their hand.
• Prov. 26:2 So the curse causeless shall not come.
• Isa. 53:12 He shall divide the spoil with the strong.
o ……54:17……Every tongue arising against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.
o ……58:6……..Fast – Loose – Undo – Free – Break
• Jer. 1:10 Set – Root – Pull – Destroy – Throw – Build – Plant
o …….48:10…..Cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.
o …….51:20…..Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war.
• Matt. 5:44 Love your enemies.
o ……..10:7-8..Preach – Heal – Cleanse – Raise – Cast – Give
o ……..12:29…We are to bind the strong man, Satan, and spoil his house.
o ……..18:18-19.Bind – Loose – Agree
o ……..28:20….Teaching to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.
• Luke 4:18 Preach – Heal – Deliver – Sight – Liberty
o ………8:1……We should do the works of God in every city and village.
o ……..10:18….Satan is a defeated foe.
o ……..10:19….God gave us power over all the power of the enemy.
o ……..11:22….We are stronger than Satan through JESUS CHRIST.
• John 12:31 Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
o ……..16:11…..The prince of this world has been judged by JESUS.
• Rom. 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.
• I Cor. 4:12 Being reviled we bless; being persecuted we suffer it.
• II Cor. 10:4 We are to pull down the strongholds of Satan.
• Eph. 3:10 The church is to make its presence known to the principalities.
o ……..6:12……We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against evil forces.
o ……..6:16……Ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
• Col. 2:15 JESUS spoiled principalities and powers.
• II Tim. 1:10..Our Savior JESUS CHRIST who hath abolished death.
o ……..2:26……Help others recover themselves out of the snare of the Devil.
• Heb. 2:8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet.
……..2:14……He might destroy him that had the power over death.
• James 4:7 Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.
• I John 3:8 Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil.
o ……….5:5……We are overcomers because we believe in JESUS, the Son of God.
• Rev. 12:11 Overcome by blood of Lamb, word of testimony and love not lives.
o ……..12:17….We are at war with the forces of evil.
The Bible says He is “God of Battles”, “Man of War” and “Lord of Armies”. There is a lot more scripture in the Word of God which describes God and what He expects us to do as His warriors (solders). Several verses are II Kings 13:14-19 and Psa. 78:9-11.
PREFACE – This lesson is to demonstrate that we are to be warriors for CHRIST in the spiritual battle for the earth. What we do will have consequences for eternity. You can make a difference in the world!
A philosopher once said, “For every man attacking the roots of evil, there are a thousand flailing away at the leaves.” This is a picture of Christianity today; few people are willing to get their hands dirty and dig up the roots of evil. DELIVERANCE is dealing with sin in people’s lives; it is housecleaning according to Earline.
The following was penned by William B. Fason, 1865-1945, who handled sporting goods and farm machinery in east Texas. Many times the world follows the principles of Christianity to succeed in business. See if you can apply his philosophy to everyday living. (The comment in the parenthesis is mine.)
1. Don’t ever tell nobody nuthin that ain’t so. (Don’t lie under any circumstance.)
2. If it’s broke, fix it quick as you can. You can fish anytime. Crops won’t wait to be sowed or harvested. (If you have problems in life, deal with them now. Don’t procrastinate, the problems will probably get worse.)
3. The product has gotta do the job right or it ain’t no bargain no matter how pretty or cheap it is. Cheap shoes hurt ever day for years. Good ones only hurt once when you pay for them. (Easy believeism is no bargain. It only hurts once when you deal openly with your sin.)
4. Don’t sell a 30-06 to a feller that hunts rabbits. The shells is expensive and the rabbit gets blowed up and ain’t hardly fit to eat. (Don’t apply the wrong solution in the Bible to your problems. For instance, don’t pray for healing when you need your demons cast out.)
5. Don’t sell a 22 to a bear hunter. He’s liable to wind up getting ate by the bear. (Don’t tell a person that all of their problems are solved; they may leave the church when they find out that what you said is not true.)
6. Nuthin is more important than a satisfied customer. Treat him wrong an he will holler all over the county. Treat him fair and he will brang you more customers that you can shake a stick at. (Use the “Golden Rule” and tell the truth in love; it will win out in the end.)
7. Trust everybody but still cut the cards. (Don’t let the charlatans ruin you love for others. Use your brain and leadership of the Holy Spirit to spot falseness.)
8. Don’t fret none over a mistake. Just make sure you learnt somethin. (Don’t spend time in guilt. Learn your lesson and don’t make the same mistake again.)
9. Be suspicious of any man that walks a dog on a leash. (Discern everything that you hear, see or read to see if it lines up with the Bible.)
10. Always deal with things like they is, not like they ain’t or ought to be. (Face life in reality not in Christian fantasy; don’t live a lie.)
11. If a feller sez “It’s ain’t the money it’s the principal of the thing.” You can bet your life it’s the money. (Learn to look on the hidden man of the heart and not on the outward appearance of man.)
12. Let the Lord guide you but remember that God don’t do no plowin or milkin. (Don’t look to God to do our jobs. Study the Bible and see what your part is.)
I John 3:8 says For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil. Most adults can not answer this question correctly! Most people think that He came to save them. Salvation is just part of what JESUS CHRIST accomplished on earth. As you can see from the scripture above, He bruised Satan’s head, led captivity captive, divided the spoil, cast out Satan, judged prince of world, spoiled principalities and powers, abolished death, put all things in subjection, etc. As you study the Bible, it is clear that JESUS CHRIST, The Son of God, completely defeated Satan and his army of fallen angels and demons. It is also clear that God Almighty made provisions that we can be totally victorious in Him according to His Ways. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous if God setup a plan for children of God to lose to the forces of evil?
If Satan has been completely defeated, then why do we still have to war with the enemy? It is simple; Satan is free to roam the earth until he is bound up for a thousand years. Until then, he can do everything we will let him do to destroy us. Satan has no power over us but we let him trick us due to our ignorance of the Bible and because of sin in our lives.
Luke 10:19 says Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. We are to subdue, have dominion, do the works of God, be overcomers, quench fiery darts, etc.
Jer. 51:20 says Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. Why doesn’t God do everything Himself? He certainly could! God has chosen to work through His children. The condition of the world is the responsibility of the Christian body and especially the leaders. It is clear that the five-fold ministry has failed to properly teach and show the world how to live. The world will never be won for CHRIST with the ignorance, cowardliness and greed of the present day ministry.
Matt. 12:29 says Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house. If JESUS came to destroy the works of the enemy, then what should we do? We should continue in His footsteps and do His works until He comes for us. We should bind the forces of evil and spoil their houses. We are to help those recover themselves out of the snare of the Devil who have been taken captive.
Key words about what we can do are:
Fast – Loose – Undo – Free – Break – Set – Root – Pull – Destroy – Throw – Build – Plant – Cleanse – Raise – Cast – Give – Bind – Loose – Agree – Preach – Heal – Deliver – Sight – Liberty.
Jer. 48:10 says Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood. If you will not fight for God, you are cursed. If you do not fight, the demons will take advantage of you. You can not win by not fighting in the spiritual war. The best defense is a good offense against the forces of evil. God will always do his part of the covenant but he will not do our part. It is far better to be on His side in the battle than to be neutral in the battle and be subject to the enemy. If you are not willing to fight, God will watch as you are overcome by the enemy.
Eph. 6:12 says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We are not fighting against people but against demons within people and spiritual forces outside of people; this is spiritual warfare. We don’t have a right to fight against flesh and blood but we do have the right and responsibility to fight against evil forces. Otherwise, there is no battle on earth; we just let humans and Satan do anything to us. I also believe we have the right and responsibility to defend our nation and our families against harm.
Matt. 5:44 says But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. This is a verse that God has used to deal with me when others are not treating me in a Christian way. There are no excuses in the Bible. Here we are talking about humans and not demons.
The Bible has a lot to say about how we treat others. Matt. 5:44 is a good summary about how we should treat our human enemies. Our enemies could be other Christians or heathen in the world. How do we reconcile spiritual warfare with spiritual beings versus loving physical human beings?
I normally think of a number of things when I pray for people who are my enemies because of their actions against me, family, ministry, etc. as follows:
1. I repent and ask God to forgive me of anything I may have done. (You need to get right with God before praying for others.)
2. I forgive my enemies and release them from sin against me. (The most important thing is forgiveness. We can hold a person’s sin or release it.)
3. I ask God to forgive them and bless them with all spiritual blessings. (All spiritual blessings would include salvation and teaching the right way.)
4. I break any soul ties with them or curses on me in the Name of JESUS. (Now we have the right to break soul ties and curses with sin under the Blood.)
5. I then send the demons back to the sender that were sent to me. (It is hoped that the demons will cause the person to see that there is something wrong.)
6. I ask God to save their souls and open their eyes as to what they are doing. (We want the heathen to be saved and the saved to be taught. The wrong actions may be done in ignorance or with malice aforethought.)
7. If we feel that it is an attack by people in the occult or Satan worship, then we command the demons to go back and attack those who sent them to attack us. (The purpose is to demonstrate that God is greater and that they should get saved.)
As we discussed above, we should love our human enemies according to scripture. We do not have to love Satan and his evil spirits. Actually, we should hate everything that God hates; surprised, read your Bible. We can hate Satan and all forces of evil, sin and iniquity, and all that God hates. If you do not hate evil, you will love evil, compromise with evil or practice evil. Demons can not be saved. We won’t be dancing in Heaven with Satan!
Our enemies can be the unsaved or the saved. They can have spiritual or physical bodies. They can be ignorant or learned in evil. They can be practicing witchcraft or occult activities or even be worshiping Satan. How we war or pray would depend upon the above classification.
It is interesting to study how David prayed for his enemies in the Psalms. The above listed verses are some of the many that David used against his enemies.
David talks about his enemies falling into their own traps, catching themselves in their nets and falling themselves by their own devices. In other words, he prays that they will fall into their traps set for him.
David also prays to God to cause his enemies to fall by counsel, and to be ashamed, vexed, disappointed, cast down, rendered, destroyed, divided, scattered, brought down, confused, etc. He even prays that their arms will be broken and their teeth will be knocked out.
We feel like the way David prayed is appropriate under certain circumstances where the people are practicing witchcraft, occult or Satan worship to destroy the Christians. They send demons to attack the Christians and destroy them in certain areas of their lives. We send the demons back to the sender to counterattack. The object is to cause the person to wake up and see that God is stronger than Satan, reject evil and seek salvation.
We know that we are targets of those who actively follow evil. The Lord showed us that one Halloween night we were to be the sacrifice for the local Satanist churches. However, God foiled their plan by sending a Christian family to spend the night with us until midnight! If God does not protect us, then we are unprotected. There is no way that we can humanly defend ourselves against attacks of the enemy who wants to physically kill us. We are no match against evil humans or spirits without the help of God. If God doesn’t defend a city, it is not defended.
Those in the occult will fast and pray up to forty days to destroy Christian families and churches. They are serious about what they are doing and Satan is a harsh taskmaster. We need to be as good at being Christians as Satan is at being evil!
If we are warriors for CHRIST, then how do we fight the war using spiritual warfare? The above scripture shows us that CHRIST was a warrior for God and we are to be warriors for CHRIST. The war consists of two fronts: an earthly and a heavenly.
On earth we do not war against humans but against the demons in humans. We do not fight (physically, mentally, spiritually or materially) with our brothers or sisters, saved or unsaved. We do pray for those who are unsaved to receive salvation but do not cast out their demons. For the saved, we bind up the demons and cast them out of their bodies. We pray for Salvation, DELIVERANCE, Baptism, Healing and Prosperity. We Teach, Counsel, Pray and Minister as the Holy Spirit leads. In other words, we minister to the all the needs of our brethren in every area of their lives. God has made provisions for every need we have in every area of our lives!
On earth we battle for our minds which is the main battle for the human race. Physically we fight for our bodies to be healthy. We battle with our finances against the forces of evil by tithes and offerings supporting the true works of God. Time is spent in following the Christian walk: fellowshipping with other Christians, reading the Bible, fasting, praying, meditating, studying, and strengthening ourselves. Time is spent in helping others: teaching, counseling, praying and ministry. We battle mentally, physically, materially, spiritually with our time, talents and resources.
In the heavenlies we war against Satan and his army of fallen angels, demons and imps. This is mainly a spiritual battle of prayer against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. There are two heavenlies: Godly and ungodly. We ask God to loose His forces to battle for us and we bind the forces of Satan.
– Psa. 109:17 says As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. The Bible also says So the curse causeless shall not come and How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? You do not need to send curses back to the sender but just break them off you and your family. You can send the demons back to the sender. When we break the curses off us, the person that sent the curses is still cursed. The scripture says he loved cursing, the curse had a cause and God cursed him.
A good list of demons to use in mass DELIVERANCE is “Common Demon Groupings” found in Mass DELIVERANCE Manual. First, go through Basic DELIVERANCE of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion families. Then go through the remainder of the fifty families.

Chapter Eleven
1. Ex. 15:3 The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.
2. Nu. 23:8 How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed?
3. De. 29:20 All the curses that are written in this book shall be upon him.
4. Jos. 11:20 That he might destroy them utterly.
5. I Sa. 19:5 And the Lord wrought a great salvation for all Israel.
o ….25:28 Because my lord fighteth the battles of the Lord.
6. II Sa. 23:12 And the Lord wrought a great victory.
7. I Ch. 29:11 Is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory.
8. II Ch. 34:24 Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place.
9. Ps. 24:8 The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
o ….68:18 Thou hast led captivity captive.
o ….89:8 O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee?
10. Is. 3:1 For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts.
o ….10:16 The Lord of hosts, sent among his fat ones leanness.
o ….11:4 And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth.
o ….13:5 Even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy.
o ….42:13 He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war.
11. Je. 35:17 Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel.
o ….50:25 Opened his armory, brought forth weapons of his indignation.
o ….51:19 Israel is the rod of his inheritance; Lord of hosts is his name.
o ….51:20 Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war.
12. La. 3:1 I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath.
13. Mt. 12:20 Till he send forth judgment unto victory.
o ….24:29 And the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
14. Lu. 1:68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel.
15. Ro. 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.
16. I Co. 15:57 Which giveth us the victory through our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
17. II Co. 10:4 Weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God.
18. Col. 2:15 And having spoiled principalities and powers.
19. I Jo. 3:8 That he might destroy the works of the devil.
o ….5:4 And this is the victory that overcometh the world.
Before we taught this lesson at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, there was a prophecy about God being a Man of War with His related activities. Glen Miller then defined the phrase, God of Hosts, as God of Armies. We are soldiers in the Army of God.
Earline and I have been going through a personal battle since she had kidney failure. We have been in the valley of the shadow of death. Someday Earline will write a lesson about what she has learned in this experience. Earline taught a lesson, Curses for Shedding Innocent Blood, just before we found out about her kidneys. She may have been attacked for teaching this important lesson. Innocent blood of aborted babies is probably what will bring down the United States of America through God’s punishment of our nation.
We want to thank everyone for their prayers, letters, phone calls and visits. We especially needed them in this time of crisis and we need them in the future. We are believing for a supernatural healing and miracle of restoration for Earline’s kidneys. Please keep praying and agreeing for God to work that in miracle in our lives.
We work together as a DELIVERANCE team. I don’t feel that God called me to go forth around the world without Earline. We are wondering what will become of the ministry. I wasn’t sure that I would be back to teach at camp.
Young’s defines the key words in the above verses as: fighting, war, battle, arms, victory, pierce, execrate, oath, imprecation, destroy, cut off, waste, loose, strip off, unclothe, rub together, shake ability, warfare, service, conflict, eating up, badness, pre-imminence, security, safety, and hammer.
The Lord is described by different phrases: man of war, strong and mighty, mighty in battle, God of hosts, God of Israel, God of peace, Lord JESUS CHRIST and Lord God. It is clear that He is God and Lord, even The Lord God. He is God over all and He delegates authority to whom He will.
The verses above list characteristics of God: God curses people, sends all the curses, destroy them utterly, wrought a great salvation, wrought a great victory, victory of God, I will bring evil, smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, the weapons of his indignation, opened his armory, the rod of his wrath, he sent forth judgment unto victory, powers of the heavens shall be shaken, God of peace shall bruise Satan, giveth us the victory through our Lord JESUS CHRIST, spoiled principalities and powers, destroy the works of the devil, and the victory that overcometh the world.
It is probably worthwhile to comment about where curses come from. All of the curses were written in the Holy Bible by God. These are curses that God put into effect to penalize us for not following the Word of God. Satan did not invent these curses.
People do not like to say that God cursed them or others. However, the Bible says that we can not curse whom God hath not cursed. If a people is blessed by God, then the curse will not land. They are blessed because they follow God and obey Him. If a people is cursed by God, then we can not bless them and reverse the curse unless the people repent and change their ways.
Simply, we are blessed when we obey and cursed when we disobey the commandments in the Bible. A good example to study is the Nation of Israel and their rise and fall through the years. You can see the Law of Blessing and Cursing in operation in God’s chosen people. There are a lot of good lessons to be learned by studying Israel’s rise and fall in the Bible as well as in the history books.
Balak, King of Moab, hired Balaam, a Midianite prophet, to curse Israel when they were journeying in his territory. The story is found in Numbers 22-31. Moab was afraid of Israel because God was with them and they were destroying their enemies. He called Balaam to curse Israel to destroy that nation. God told Balaam not to go but he apparently wanted the reward. God let Balaam go but he cursed himself in going. Balaam could not curse Israel because they were following God. He actually blessed Israel and cursed Moab. Balaam counseled Balak to get the people of Israel to sin.
Israel then committed whoredom and idolatry with the women of Moab. They cursed themselves by disobeying God. The wrath of God descended on Israel. Finally, the Midianites are spoiled and Balaam is slain.
Law of Blessing and Cursing – Israel is blessed because of obedience. Balaam can not curse them. Israel curses themselves by idolatry. God is angry with them and a plague starts.
Moab is cursed because of incest, etc. Balak wants to curse Israel but cannot. He probably encourages the women to commit whoredom with the Israelites. The Moabites are later destroyed.
Balaam is a soothsayer. He disobeys God and greedily seeks a reward. In so doing, he curses himself and is later killed.
We taught a lesson at Camp called, Warriors for CHRIST. In that lesson are many scriptures describing our roles as warriors. It lists our weapons and how we are to use them. Please refer to that lesson for material not covered herein.
The verses above list phrases that apply to us showing the God is our Commander-in-Chief: we fight in the battles of the Lord, we are his battle axs and weapons of war, and our weapons are not carnal but spiritual.
I John 3:8 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil. Most adults can not answer this question correctly! Most people think that He came to save them. Salvation is just part of what JESUS CHRIST accomplished on earth. As you can see from the scripture above, He bruised Satan’s head, led captivity captive, divided the spoil, cast out Satan, judged prince of world, spoiled principalities and powers, abolished death, put all things in subjection, etc.
As you study the Bible, it is clear that JESUS CHRIST, The Son of God, completely defeated Satan and his army of fallen angels and demons. It is also clear that God Almighty made provisions that we can be totally victorious in Him according to His Ways. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous if God setup a plan for children of God to lose to the forces of evil?
If Satan has been completely defeated, then why do we still have to war with the enemy? It is simple; Satan is free to roam the earth until he is bound up for a thousand years. Until then, he can do everything we will let him do to destroy us. Satan has no power over us but we let him trick us due to our ignorance of the Bible and because of sin in our lives.
Jer. 51:20 Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. Why doesn’t God do everything Himself? He certainly could! God has chosen to work through His children. The condition of the world is the responsibility of the Christian body and especially the leaders. It is clear that the five-fold ministry has failed to properly teach and show the world how to live. The world will never be won for CHRIST with the ignorance, cowardliness and greed of the present day ministry.
God is our leader in the war and we clearly are in a series of battles. The warfare is against Satan and his multitude of evil forces. It is all out spiritual warfare until the end of the world as we know it. It is a life and death battle for our spiritual and physical lives.
We are warriors for CHRIST, have weapons and are taught how to use the weapons in the Bible. We are cursed, even bitterly, if we won’t fight in the battles of the Lord. We have to be willing to shed blood in the spiritual battle. Judges 5:23 Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Jer. 48:10 Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood. Other verses are Ge. 3:17 – those who hearken unto their wives rather than God, I Ki. 20:35-42 – him who keeps back his sword from blood, and Ez. 3:18-21 -those who refuse to warn them that sin.
DELIVERANCE is at the front lines in the hottest part of the spiritual battle. God parachutes you into the pits of peoples’ personal hell to help them.
DELIVERANCE is controversial and not popular. You have to be willing to sacrifice certain parts of your life style if necessary to help people in spite of the church opposition to DELIVERANCE and demon forces working against you.
JESUS was sent to destroy the works of the enemy. He accomplished that feat and gave us the keys to victory. However, it is up to us to use the keys of victory in our personal battle of our lifetime. If we don’t fully use the keys as listed in the Bible, we will be partially or fully defeated by the forces of evil.
God chooses to work through us as well as sovereignly on His own. We can’t dictate to God or put Him in a box. He doesn’t have to obey our commandments or orders; we have to obey His. Just because we say it, God doesn’t have to do it especially when it is unscriptural. A lot of what is said in the Christian world is man’s thoughts and not God’s thoughts. This is frequently the case when we are praying warfare or fighting in the heavenlies. If what we say doesn’t line up with the Word of God, then God will not answer but Satan will answer every demonic prayer. Watch and see what happens when you pray. How are your sayings coming to pass?
PASSIVE judgment – There are those who can’t make clear judgments on issues and misuse the verse to judge not. Many do not realize they are to judge every prophecy, the fruit in our lives and in the lives of others, and on and on. You need to judge everything you see, hear or read. If not, you will be submitted to every wind of evil doctrine and fall into many hurtful traps. I once heard a pastor tell his people they should not criticize him even when he is wrong, neither should they talk about him. I have seen strange things in that church: an unusually large number of divorces, illegitimate children, crimes of theft and forced entry, idolatry, etc. People should be taught to properly make scriptural judgment.
Witchcraft is defined as the power or practices of witches; sorcery; black magic; bewitching attraction or charm; enchantment; irresistible influence; fascination. Enchantment is defined as the act of casting a spell over; the use of magic to charm; the state of being under the influence of a magic spell or charm; a magic spell or charm; something the charms or delights greatly; great delight or pleasure. Also consider the words fascination, charm, captivation, allurement. Witchcraft is simply trying to control others for your own benefit no matter how worthy the cause may be.
God anoints and provides for his ministers to do his work here on earth. The people look to the ministers to help them live according to the Bible. This gives them a power over the people that can be used for good or evil. Silly women look up to the pastors as someone on a pedestal and frequently end up having sex with the weak pastors. Silly men want the admiration of the pastors and try to please the prideful pastors to gain favor. In the positions of the fivefold ministry, it is easy to fleece the flock.
When we got into DELIVERANCE, people would come to us for help of many different types. They wanted us to go to God and find out what they were supposed to do. They wanted us to be their parents, show them parental love and tell them how to conduct their lives. They wanted to pay us for our help, give us gifts of love, and give us tithes and offerings.
Why would the people come to us for help? The Christian body is hurting and can not find the needed help in the church. The churches refuse to practice DELIVERANCE, healing, etc. and teach the whole truth of the Bible. If the people have problems, the church sends them to the world for help. They are sent to the medical profession to be physically healed in the body, to the psychiatric profession to be mentally healed in the soul, to the social profession to be financially healed in the material realm, and in certain ways to the world in general to be spiritually healed such as receiving peace.
The people did not feel that they could hear from God or had a good relationship with Him. They thought that we did since we could help them and that God would speak to us for them. They may have been lazy, ignorant or have some other reason why they wanted to place us as intermediaries between them and God. They may have had a Catholic or other religious background which caused them to look to man rather than directly to God for guidance.
Their parents did not provide the proper role models pointing them towards God, The Father. It is so important how the parents raise their children. Parents actually are in a position of being like God in the lives of the children. The way a child relates to their parents, especially to the father, is the way the child will relate to God in later life.
Many times when the children do not have good parents, they go through life seeking someone to fill that void in their lives. The parents may not have shown love for them. So, they seek love from others to fulfill that need. The parents may have been absentee parents and not given them guidance. So, they will seek others to guide them. They are still acting like a child even though they are adults.
People are so grateful for what you have done to help them that they are willing to pay you for your services or give you their tithe money. We sought the Lord about receiving money. We felt that He told us not to take money, explain to others that we didn’t need money, that God was providing very well for us and to give their money to the church or some Christian work. If after a strong talk to them and they still felt that God wanted them to give us some money for the ministry, we would accept so that they could be blessed. The money given us was then placed in our tithe money to give to others or in the ministry of DELIVERANCE to buy publications for others.
Mat. 10:7-8 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. This is one of our favorite passages and we love to sing it or read it to the forces of evil. It could also be thought of as a great commission to us as well as other Christians. Notice that it said to freely give because that God has freely given to us. Therefore, we do not need the money of others because God is supplying our needs bountifully.
In our early ministry, God told us not to play God in the lives of his people. He was God and God would direct His church. We have tried to do that ever since. We do our best to help people, they do not owe us anything, and they are free to go and never return. This has worked out very well; God has rewarded us for obeying His Instructions.
It is easy to take advantage of the Christian body. God places the five-fold ministry and other spiritual leaders in a position where the people trust them and respect them. The leaders then take advantage of God’s people for their own selfish reasons: build a building, an empire, a ministry, an individual, etc. to satisfy and glorify the individuals in charge of the work. You especially see the leaders taking advantage of the money supplied for the use of themselves, their families and their friends. They take advantage of the women in the church, and sometimes sexually especially in the black churches.
In summary, parents are like God in the lives of their children. They should raise the children to have the proper relationship with Father God. The ministry should not act like God in the lives of their congregation. The leaders should train the people to go directly to God for their guidance.
We have seen this pattern through the years as we have ministered to people who have come out of churches and religious organizations, or came out from under the control of a pastor or other leader of that organization. It is amazing to watch the leader work witchcraft on his flock either ignorantly or deliberately to control them.
We have also seen this pattern as we sat in the congregation and had the leaders try to exercise witchcraft over us. We recognized the practice and did not receive it. Most people do not recognize the practice and receive demons. The people open themselves up to demon attack by their blind allegiance to the leaders and organization, and by accepting, not resisting, the damnable doctrine that was preached. Mat. 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
What happens is that the leader opens the flock up to demon attack through his actions. The evil spirits assigned over the organization will be there because of the actions of the leader. Soul ties will be formed between the leader and the congregation. The leader will place curses on the followers. The leader will loose certain demons on the congregation due to what he says.
Let’s talk in generalities. If the leader is sexually immoral, then the ruler will be a sexual demon; controls the congregation – witchcraft; steals money from the treasury – covetousness; drinks alcoholic beverages – addictions; glorifies himself – spiritual pride; and on and on. Then the ruler demons will try to cause the congregation to be like the leaders. If the leader is sexually loose, then the people will tend to be sexually loose. The religious organization will go the way of its leaders. A church we went to had three leaders fall into sexual sin; there were many illegitimate children in the church.
What is amazing is to watch these practices in Christians who move in DELIVERANCE. A Christian who walks in DELIVERANCE should be among the best educated of all Christians and have a better balance about what the Bible says. This is especially true of the DELIVERANCE ministers or lay workers. For instance, a pastor will cast out demons of witchcraft that came into the people in his congregation from practices outside of the church on the one hand, and then put demons of witchcraft into people in his congregation through his practices on the other hand.
In one example, the following happened. The pastor instilled fear in his people. He warned them about outside organizations, leaving the church, not submitting to his authority, criticizing him, etc. In the church, they had to obey and not question his authority. Outside the church, they couldn’t leave his church and go to another church. They were paralyzed and were slaves to him. They were fearful of criticizing him and having him attack them from the pulpit. They were afraid to leave the church and lose their salvation. They were afraid of other organizations and people. If the people left, the people that remained could not associate with their dear friends that had left.
The church cursed and prayed against the people that left the church, and against any other group of people that the pastor may have had trouble with. Their actions sent demons to attack these people and organizations.
What were the results of the actions of the leaders? The leaders loosed demons on the people in the congregation and sent demons after the people that had left or had problems with the church. They cursed the people and spoke failure in their lives. The people had soul ties with the leaders.
When the people left the church, they felt that God did not love them, they may be loosing their salvation, they were fearful of many things, they could not function normally in life, they were hurt and rejected by the way they were treated, had pains and illnesses associated with fears, had spiritual pride about being in the only church, had problems forgiving the pastor and congregation about the way they were treated, were deceived about things of God, blamed the Lord for what had happened, and were confused and weakened by the experiences.
When an outside church renounced the practices of this church, the church was attacked by demons sent from the other church. The pastor and congregation had many problems in the church. You had one church praying against the other church. Actually, you had one church cursing the other church and loosing demons to attack the people in the church.
How can these curses fall on leaders, followers and other churches? Pr. 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. The curses fall on the leaders because they ignorantly or deliberately practice witchcraft which is clearly contrary to the Bible. The curses fall on the followers because they ignorantly follow the leaders who are sinning. The curses fall on other churches because they ignorantly practice the Word of God and leave themselves open to curses. The main reason is ignorance or lack of knowledge of the Bible. There are many other reasons such as the leader’s selfishness, follower’s weaknesses and a church’s partial following of the Bible. We all probably have cracks in our armor which allow demons to attack us under certain circumstances.
You must completely break free spiritually and physically from the organization and its leaders. You must renounce the organization and its practices spiritually to God. You must ask God to help you in all of these things, and to have faith and trust in God. To do this requires forgiveness for the leaders and followers, asking God to forgive you for your sins of bitterness, etc., asking God to forgive and bless them, breaking soul ties and curses on your family, casting out demons that came in through soul ties, curses and association with the organization, praying for physical healing, and disciplining your mind not to yield to the programmed thinking of the leaders and demons.
In summary, no person should try to act like God in the lives of others and violate their freewill. Let God direct the actions of His Children. No person should submit their freewill to the leaders and become passive. A passive person is easily demonized because they yield. Both the leaders and the congregation will become demonized.
When people are subjected to these control practices, they become hurt and are influenced by the families of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion respectively in that order. They are attacked by the Charismatic Witchcraft demons sent from the leaders to the congregation. They personally submit to the Passive Mind demons by their actions. If people outside of the church have controlled them, then they are attacked by the Witchcraft demons of occult and demonic associations. If they personally have submitted to substances of abuse, then they are attacked by the Witchcraft demons of sorcery, drugs, alcohol, etc. which control the mind.
PRAYER – My dear heavenly and gracious Father, help me to recognize you as a Man of War and to be a Warrior for CHRIST. Help me to understand The Law of Blessing and Cursing. Give me Your Wisdom of why you came to earth and how you work through me to win The War of the Ages.
Forgive me for playing God in people’s lives. Forgive me for not raising my children to have the proper relationship to God. I forgive the fivefold ministry for playing God in my life and violating my freewill. Forgive me for submitting to those who would try to control my will. Forgive me for my wrong thoughts and actions against those who have wronged me by their witchcraft. I pray that you would bless them with all spiritual blessings. Please help me Lord to have faith and trust in you and not in man.
I take authority over Satin according to the whole Word of God. I completely break free from any organization or leader that has dominated me. I renounce the organization and any practices that are ungodly. I now break all soul ties with those who have controlled me. I break the curses that have been placed upon me and my family.
I pray that you would deliver me from the demons that came in through these associations. I pray that you would heal me emotionally and physically from these experiences. Help me to cleanse my mind from the brain washing of the leaders. Help me to discipline my mind to look to The Father, Son and Holy Spirit as The Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Deliverer and Prosperer. I ask this prayer in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, my Lord, my Master and my Savior.
LIST OF DEMONS – Use the the Lists of Demons found in the Mass DELIVERANCE Manual. First take the people through Common Demon Groupings – Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion Families. Then go on to Charismatic Witchcraft, Passive Mind, and finally Witchcraft.
REFERENCES – Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged

Chapter Twelve
1. Gen. 3:15 It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
2. Deut. 27 Curses are pronounced.
3. Deut. 28 Blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.
4. Ester 2:1-4, 8-9, 12-17 And she obtained grace and favor in his sight.
5. Book of Job: Disaster falls into our lives because God is testing our faith.
6. Isa. 62:1-4 No more be Forsaken neither shall thy land any more be desolate.
7. Mart. 9:22 Daughter be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.
8. Matt. 13:21 When tribulation or persecution ariseth, by and by he is offended.
9. Luke 13:1-5 Think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jer.?
10. Luke 22:31-32 Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.
11. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter.
12. John 16:33 In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer.
13. Acts 3:6 In the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth rise up and walk.
14. Acts 14:7-10 Steadfastly beholding him, perceiving he had faith to be healed.
15. Rom. 5:3 We glory in tribulations; knowing that tribulation worketh patience.
16. Rom. 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love.
17. Rom. 8:35 Tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword?
18. Rom. 12:12 Patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.
19. I Cor. 8:2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing.
20. I Cor. 13:12 For now we see through a glass darkly, now I know in part.
21. II Cor. 1:4 Comforteth us in all our tribulation; we may be able to comfort.
22. Eph. 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; it is the gift of God.
23. Eph. 4:11-13 Till we all come unto the measure of the stature of the fullness.
24. Phil. 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches.
25. Col. 1:27 which is CHRIST in you, the hope of glory.
26. I Thes. 3:4 We told you before that we should suffer tribulation.
27. I Thes. 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in CHRIST.
28. I Tim. 5:23 For thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.
29. II Tim. 2:15 Shew thyself approved unto God, rightly dividing Word of Truth.
30. II Tim. 3:14 Continue in the things which thou has learned and been assured of.
31. II Tim. 4:20 But Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.
32. Heb. 2:8 But now we see not yet all things put under him
33. Heb. 11 what faith is, without faith we cannot please God.
34. James 5:20 Shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
35. I Peter 2:24 Should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
36. I Peter 4:1-2 CHRIST suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise.
37. Rev. 2:10 Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
38. Rev. 3:14-21 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore.
As you know, Earline and I have been in the DELIVERANCE ministry for about fifteen years. We have worked with thousands of Christians in the area of healing and DELIVERANCE.
Recently, Earline was stricken with kidney failure. Otherwise, she is in fine shape for a woman who is fifty-nine years old
We have known personally, or have known of men and women of God who have been stricken physically with infirmities. They may have even died before becoming seventy years old. These were people that we felt really tried to fol~ow God and were doing a fine work in His Vineyard. They were also people that believed in the Whole Word of God.
Generally speaking, the ministry teaches the blessings of God and not the justice of God. We get the “bless-me club” personality. Generally speaking, the ministry does not teach about what Christians will go through as they follow CHRIST and obey His Word. The impression is “Once I become a Christian, I will have no more problems.” This seems to be an area of the Bible that is primarily ignored. Many times Christians are taught this philosophy; then when it doesn’t work, they leave the church.
My question to you is “why are these godly people stricken before their time of seventy years?” In other words what should we as Christians expect in the battle for the Lord? If we are living a godly life, should we expect to go through life without having any mental, physical, spiritual or material problems? What does the Bible teach about the lives of Christians? A good example is Paul. With the Love of CHRIST, Gene and Earline
We received replies from the following people to whom we are very grateful: Jo Anne Nystrom, Glen and Erma Miller, Dorothy and Harlan Deem, Ted Haggard, Edwin Edgerton, Frank Hammond, Lorraine A. Kupper, Buz Milosh, Dennis Mulder, Blanche Reynolds, Linda Sutter, Al Dagger, Norman Parish, Martin and Janice Thornbull, and Ann Pigg. We kept the letters and records of telephone conversations. It was quite an effort for those to try to answer our difficult questions. Thank you for your love and concern
We want to express our heartfelt thanks for those who have prayed and interceded for us through the years. It is wonderful to hear that we are being prayed for our well being by those who love us and have compassion on us. Only God knows how your prayers may have helped to sustain us.
We have now been in the DELIVERANCE ministry for about twenty years. It has been about five years since Earline had her kidney failure. God has seen us through all the difficulties that we have faced in our lifetimes. We have seen God do many wonderful things around the world using us as his servants. Even though we have probably cast out thousands of demons, Satan does not leave us alone. In fact, he probably attacks those who are very active even more because they are a greater threat to his kingdom.
The wind may blow in your face to stop your progress now, but may be behind you in the future after you have worked your way through the problem. Move forward with the Lord. Our God is faithful and we must relinquish control to Him. Praise breaks certain bondages put on us by Satan. By all means repent, it is a way of life. We are comforted by the Word of God; stand fast and trust in JESUS. Keep on ministering by faith and depend in the leadership of the Holy Spirit. God loves us and cares about us; He has all power and authority to direct our lives.
Earline and I have discussed, thought and prayed about this subject, both before and after Earline’s failure of her kidneys, a considerable amount of time. There are many lessons to be learned by us and other Christians in this difficult area. The communications of others helped us to understand what we were going through. It is a real blessing to see what others go through in real life. It is an untruth to tell the Christian world that you, and your family, business and ministry have no problems, and that you are perfect just like JESUS CHRIST. We are still praying for answers for ourselves and for others. When Earline was in the hospital initially, we read the Book of Job seeking answers. Pay attention to what Job says as well as his so-called comforters
Do you believe that you have all of the answers to the problems we face here on earth? Are you living a perfect life in complete accord with the Bible? We don’t believe that anyone has a complete understanding of the Bible. Everyone has problems; if you don’t now, you will later. This includes those in the ministry and their families. God is sovereign and we can’t change that fact of life. Be assured that God’s Word is a wonderful source of strength and comfort to suffering, hurting, poor people, as well as to those who are wealthy, all around the world. If we want life, we must keep His Commandments. We are all aware that if there was an easy answer, everyone would already know. Volumes could be written to properly answer the question raised, even in a general sense. Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge and Discerning of Spirits could be God’s way of answering specifically for each of us. Inwardly, there might be the sins of the fathers or some break in Job’s hedge; outwardly, there might be an onslaught from some coven or occult source that is getting through; and these are just a few possibilities. There are some valid truths coming from the “bless-me club” but they need to be balanced:
God’s love balanced by God’s justice. There are no pat answers
It may be God’s purpose, not some other cause. What lessons can be learned? God can turn it around eventually; the future is in his hands. God understands and is rooting for us. We accept God’s dealings with us and resist the Devil. Do not doubt God, who knows what we need. JESUS was not spared from suffering and has Compassion on us. He gives us grace and sense to learn; God is teaching us. It may be for our good for life and death situations. God can do whatever he chooses for greater glory and purpose. JESUS intercedes for us while we are going through the fire. Our peace comes when we rely on JESUS, even~if it means that we die.
Satan is not in control. Satan will retaliate; we get wounded. There are occult attacks by witches and warlocks. We must know our enemies. There are curses, hexes and spells that are inherited, as well as received in the nasty now and now. Satan can not kill our spirits or souls, even if he is able to kill our bodies.
What about repressed feelings, used to being blessed, many causes of diseases and judgmental? We are susceptible, sickness is common, not immune to suffering and there are hindrances which may be mysterious or harmful. Do not get impatient. Control your emotions; we can not control the events. Keep our spirits clean before God. Do not go on a guilt trip. It may be a simple lesson of trusting, not just an exercise of faith. We are not immune to attack. It rains on the just and unjust. How do we respond to tragedy? We must have faith ~hat all things work together for good. We will learn or not learn. Wait before God without doubting; die triumphantly. Sometimes it is nothing we do. Good comes out of our experiences. We are more understanding, compassionate and patient, not judging others. Our faith is joined with others. Have conviction that God heals and does recreative miracles.
God allotted seventy years to all humanity, not just Believers, which is about the average age at death. Life may be lengthened or shortened; our body is not redeemed. It is subject to the curse of sin, old nature, physical defects and curse applies to body. Perfect health will come in Heaven. We must relate to the world, demonstrate our faith, believe in redemption and maintain hope. The environment effects our bodies. The dead are all right in God, sleep in CHRIST and awake to resurrection. Walk by faith; don’t worry about tomorrow. God meets our basic needs, not our wants. Food, clothing and shelter are blessings by God’s grace. Our bodies are subject to failure. Death has its way with all flesh; God can intervene if He chooses. Pray for God’s Perfect Will in our lives. Have an overcoming attitude and draw close to God. There is more to life than just having perfect health. God wants to cleanse us from sin, get our attention and test us to strengthen our faith. Sickness is not immoral and will be in the Millennium. Our spirit and soul are redeemed; our body is not resurrected. Sometimes we may recover from sickness through prayer. It is difficult in dealing with Cod; his ways are not our ways. Acknowledgment of reality of life is faith. Age brings susceptibility to disease and death.
Lord, what do you want us to learn from our trials and testings? Certainly the Bible nowhere promises that Christians will go through life without problems. In fact, a careful reading of the Bible indicates that Christians will face many difficulties and trials. There are at least two biblical reasons as to why Christians suffer. One of them has to do with the fact that we are a fallen human race. The effects of sin, including illness, will come to Christians as well as non-Christian people. The fact that we suffer physical ailments, disease, etc. in some sense has little to do with the fact that we are Christian, it is simply the state of the fallen human race. It is the effects of sin in the world in which we live. Christians are not immune to those effects.
Secondly, there are times when disaster falls into our lives because God is testing our faith. He allows the Devil to have relatively free reign. While at the same Lime promising that He will never give us a burden too heavy to carry. An obvious example of that would be Job. The Book of Job teaches the above very clearly. Certainly the apostle Paul is a good example. He struggled with a thorn in the flesh all of his life. God chose not to remove that. We may never know the exact reason why, but God had a purpose in doing what He has done.
The Bible does not promise health, wealth and prosperity to all who believe in CHRIST. There are many Christians around the world who live in poverty. The Bible talks about taking up our cross and following JESUS CHRIST. In many parts of the world that cross is big and heavy, even to the extent of having to pay for faith, on occasion, with their lives. Those are the kinds of demands and sacrifices that the Scriptures place upon us as Christians. Without question we have been blessed in this country, living in relative freedom and prosperity. God has certainly not promised that we are immune from suffering. In fact, the scriptural teaching is that suffering brings with it many benefits. It is sometimes for those benefits that God allows us to go through these things.
Any Christian who thinks that they will not face tribulation or persecution in this life is sadly mistaken. Satan asked to sift Job and Peter, and he asks to sift the Body of CHRIST. Consider Job’s attitude as well as that of his wife and friends.
It takes faith to believe in healing, DELIVERANCE and salvation; everything we receive from the Father comes through the Grace and Mercy of God and the Lord JESUS CHRIST with the interaction of the Holy Spirit. God answers prayer; things happen when we pray that don’t happen when we don’t pray. We interact with God through prayer. He acts according to His predetermined will and purpose as we enter into communication with Him through silent and vocalized prayer.
The Lord JESUS CHRIST is a repository of virtue and righteous power, to meet our needs. It has already been bought and paid for at Calvary; the victory is assured. But it is not automatic without conflict or effort of mind, will, emotions, body strength and spiritual involvement. For instance: fasting, prayer, worship, praise, spiritual warfare, meditating, reading the Word, and submitting to God and one another with a determination to glorify God.
Consider the woman with the issue of blood. The virtue deposited in JESUS for this woman was released through her faith. It brought about the desired results of her being made whole. Consider the man at the gate beautiful. He wanted alms; he didn’t appear to have faith for healing. Was anyone else interceding for him? He was caught off guard. Peter reached down and lifted him up. Peter’s and John’s faith had to be sufficient. Sod’s purpose was to show Himself alive by doing the miraculous. Consider the man crippled from his mother’s womb. He heard Paul speaking and Paul perceived he had faith to be healed. He needed to be healed and God purposed a revival.
Christians are not any better or worse than anyone else. Job’s friends knew that there must have been something wrong in his life, or why else would he have to suffer? Was there a tradition around Israel that the Galileans who suffered such things and the eighteen upon whom the tower of Siloam fell must have been worse sinners than others? But, this is not ‘what CHRIST taught. We have not come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of CHRIST. But we have hope for the coming of CHRIST and his kingdom.
Do you believe that we are living in the Laodicean Church age? We think that we are so increased with goods, have need of nothing and we’re so rich in the things of God. We don’t realize how great our spiritual need really is. Are you prepared for physical death? Which group of the ten virgins do you belong to: those whose lamp is full or those whose lamp is empty? This is an hour that we must use wisely. Return to the simplicity of true devotion to CHRIST. We should be warriors for CHRIST.
JESUS has limited His visits to us in relationship to how obediently we provide Him that opportunity by being His Body for Him to fill with His Spirit and presence. As we yield to Him to be locally in fellowship with the other regenerate ecclesians, under His Headship proper and potent healing, etc. will be present in much greater fullness than we presently experience. The problem is we are churchgoing instead of being the local ecclesia and membered together with others by the Holy Spirit. The body is dismembered by locality, hence all the confusions, weaknesses, etc. If we ourselves don’t live to enjoy the restored Ecclesia, we should be working on it for our posterity.
The church is full of people who are not well but they are praising God. He is in their midst polishing lively stones for His Tabernacle. God is building a rock house with narrow mortar joints which is pleasing to Him. Have peace in God; there is tribulation in the world.
Earth is earth, and does not become Heaven for anyone when one gets saved. In other words, God’s perfect plan, the full manifestation of His Kingdom, is fully manifested in Heaven. When we get saved, a ray of his Kingdom shines through our hearts with the provision for that glow to provide healing, DELIVERANCE and other manifestations of His Will. Certainly, He wants all to be saved, healed, delivered, filled with His Spirit, etc. and that will all be complete in heaven. Here on earth we get a taste, but not the entire package.
We need to seek God, live saved, be filled with His Spirit, walk in His Fullness all that we possibly can, be as healed as we can, and walk in the greatest degree of freedom and DELIVERANCE as possible. But, until JESUS physically returns, we will struggle, suffer and strain for the full manifestation of redemption in our lives.
The Bible reveals God’s perfect plan for us in CHRIST. Now, CHRIST is here only by His Spirit. Soon we shall see Him face to face. When that happens, all of His Plans for His People will be fulfilled.
So, what should we Christians expect in the battle for the Lord? Exactly that -a battle. As for victory; absolutely. As for timing; some now, the balance later.
Not having any problems is neither biblical nor practical. Living a godly life means that a person can expect to live a godly life. As for mental, physical, spiritual and material problems, those all come in varying degrees to all who live. Living a godly life should minimize those problems and it certainly should open the door for the operation of the Holy Spirit which will help with the solution. But the problems will remain until JESUS settles the sin nature and Satan problem.
This is not defeatist. The powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit does remarkable things in all of our lives. The authority of the Word of God can do powerful things. The enforcement of God’s plans during this present age takes constant prayer, faith and involvement of the Holy Spirit. Hope is there and power is there; but so is the enemy and the world
Each person must seek for himself for a clear understanding of what he believes and how God works in each conflict. We that minister must be careful we do not add to the confusion and minister condemnation.
1. God can and does heal His people.
2. It is God’s Will that we be healed for the Glory of God.
3. Therefore, glorify God in your body.
4. There are only two things: blessings and cursings. You are either increasing or decreasing.
5. The pure Word of God without mixture.
6. The non-pure Word of God with mixture.
7. God’s medicine for us is His Word for us. God is love.
8. God loves you.
9. You are healed because you were healed by the Stripes of JESUS.
10. Bottom line is agape love in the Master’s Service.
Fasting is a way to crucify the flesh and seek God. It is also a way to rid the body of toxins which can kill you. Depression will lower your resistance to disease. We are also required to follow other practices for Christians outlined in the Bible. Doctors may not make any difference if it is time to go and be with the Lord. Fasting may cause the burden to be lifted. Nutrition is a function of healing and a walk of health.
Many have served God faithfully and are in the call of God’s purpose for their lives. They know the Gospel, have on the full armor of God, doing spiritual warfare, teaching and demonstrating biblical principles, and are faithful servants. Now the test is on; God removes the consciousness of His presence. The heavens are brass and you can’t seem to rouse Him to ‘work for you. You hear condemnation, failure, guilt, what have I done to deserve this, I thought God had a hedge around me and I was untouchable, and on and on until we become filled with despair. Our life is passing from us and there is nothing ‘we can do except turn to the arm of flesh.
We search our souls, examine ourselves and try to find the key that will unlock the mystery of God’s Grace. For all we are in CHRIST, all we do in the kingdom and our ability to stand in the face of the enemy is by God’s Grace. The walk we walk is by God’s grace: love, mercy, ministry, peace and health. God chose us in trespasses and sin, and seated us in CHRIST JESUS. He has given us a walk worthy of that Name and armed us to stand against the wiles of the Devil. No one can pluck us out of His Hand. We will not see the death angels, for God’s angels will come for us that belong to Him. We will ever be with the Lord.
We can not earn that grace, keep it, improve on it, add to it, take from it or embellish it. Wages are earned and gifts are received. Just praise God and thank Him for Grace. When we are not established in grace, we go into confusion as did Job. He thought he did everything right and believed his works would keep him and his family protected, but it was God who had him hedged about. He could not understand why these things were happening to him and was overwhelmed by confusion.
worker is a front-line warrior. The front line warrior receives the first strength of any attack. In the case of a couple, it is usually the wife who is attacked first as she is the weaker vessel. Sometimes, it is the man who is called into the ministry and not the wife. She goes along to support her husband, who leans on her for support. It takes a special couple to minister together for years avoiding or defeating Satan’s attacks.
Sometimes we get puffed up in the idea of who we really are. We think that we are undefeatable and press on without really taking the time to stop and think that we are just His Servants by grace. We are ministering in His Name, Power. Strength, Might, Suffering, Love and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Then comes Satan’s attack and we get mad at God. This is not supposed to happen to God’s warriors. We warriors get wounded. When we fail to turn to the Lord in praise, we stumble. Have you a hole in your armor? Are you spending time in prayer and in the Word everyday? Have idle thoughts found a way to get you to stop praying without ceasing? Have vain imaginations penetrated your armor? Examine your armor for weaknesses.
Continue on to the goal of hearing JESUS say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” It could be that God is getting ready to do a greater work in your ministry once you overcome this trial. We must praise God in every circumstance. It is the praise, even unto death, that lifts the bonds that hold this earthly body in captivity. No one can separate us from the Love of God except ourselves. Regardless of what happens, we must always follow the Lord in spirit and truth.
The apostles suffered, were God’s saints, were persecuted, weak in body and had infirmities. Consider what Paul and Timothy went through. There are little things that affect the body. It is not a reflection on our spiritual condition if we get sick. Those with bodily weaknesses have been effective witnesses for CHRIST. The world can identify with their infirmities. They can be strong in the spirit. We are not perfect; we age, die, suffer sickness, are attacked by germs, our cells die every seven years and we are susceptible. Ask God for discernment and do not go on a guilt trip. Do not judge others outwardly; there is only one righteous judge. Show love and compassion; help others who are weaker. The church was persecuted. All apostles were martyred except for John in exile. God’s heroes endured by faith even to torture and death.
God needs to cleanse our lives. Pride stands in our way of obtaining the blessings of God. We need God’s wisdom and understanding. We must seek God and search our souls. We will always battle the forces of evil in this world. We need to try to live a balanced life: mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Anything you neglect in life will cause you problems. Anything you omit in the Bible will cause you problems. Don’t be puffed Up; pride opens the door to demons.
Many Christians are confused about this subject. Why do they have to suffer in life when it seems that the heathen do not have to suffer? What are God’s provisions and promises of healing? The concerns as to why terrible things happen to good people are quite natural and occur to us all. We must have faith and trust in our Heavenly Father, and know that we are loved by Him. The Scriptures are a source of comfort, strength and hope. What lies have we been told by our parents, spouses or children that we believe and affect our lives?
We hear of stories of those who read the scriptures every day, stand on them and are healed of terminal illnesses. We also hear of those ‘who did the same thing and die. Can you judge and say that one person did not have the faith – absolutely not! There are those who seek the Lord for healing over some period of time, finally yield to surgery and are doing well. Can you condemn them for going to the doctors – absolutely not!
We need to stand with each other, not only as Christian brothers and sisters, but also with other ministries. We are not in competition; there is plenty of work for everyone. This is especially true in the ministry of DELIVERANCE; there are few who perform this service. Ministers, just like everyone else, may have a difficult time with stability.
Ministers have a variety of styles and methods of ministry. Just because they don’t perform the ministry just like we do, doesn’t mean that we can not fellowship with them or support their ministry.
Have respect for your wife for her forced labor in the ministry. Don’t put burdens on her so great she can not bear them. Repent to your wife for forced labor. Put her on the altar. God is faithful to honor the husband’s proper relationship to the wife.
Husbands and wives please stand together and hold hands. As your husband, I ask you, my wife, to forgive me for forcing you to labor in this ministry and to do things that God did not call you to do. Forgive me for placing burdens on you that were so great that you could not bear them. Forgive me for not showing the respect for you that you deserve as my wife. I place you on the altar of God and ask that He forgive me for sinning against Him in the way that r have misused you. Lord, help us to have the proper relationship as husband and wife in all walks of life including the ministry. Will you, my wife, forgive me? In JESUS CHRIST’s name we pray. Amen.
We give credit for this lesson to those who comforted us during our time of illness. We give credit to those who have prayed for us over the years when we have been faced with injuries, illnesses and tragedies. We give credit to everyone who called, wrote or provided material for this lesson. However, we all give credit to the Father, Son and holy Spirit for working through each of us to bring about God’s purpose in our lives. We have taken some editorial liberties with the input to make this into a lesson for others.
We bind the spirit of infirmity. We command you and all your underlings to leave our bodies now in the name of JESUS CHRIST. We break every curse of sickness, infirmity and organ failure. We command our bodies to respond to the blessing of healing and health. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We desire a clean temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. Father, we confess to you our sins, weaknesses. failures and lack of faith. We ask you to make your grace strong in our weaknesses. Help us to trust you in the things we don’t know. We command the spirit of confusions to leave now in the name of JESUS CHRIST.
Lord, we ask you to grant us the blessings of long life and good health in the service of the kingdom of God. The seventy years, plus blessings, and the abundant life JESUS came to bring is your purpose for Believers. We cancel out the purpose and plan of the Devil to kill. steal and destroy. We refuse any part of his plan and send all his curses back to the sender now in the name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST. In the name of JESUS CHRIST, we command the body’s detoxification system to be healed and every spirit that is working to be destroyed or cause to fail. You must leave us now. All doubt and unbelief must leave. We rebuke you now in the name of JESUS CHRIST. We loose the ministering spirits for the heirs of salvation to come and minister to us now.
Thank you Lord JESUS for providing us victory over hell, death and the grave. and power over the spirits of sickness and over all the power of the Devil. We ask to live to accomplish all the God has purposed in our lives. Let us be a positive influence for CHRIST each day.
We break the curses of sickness, infirmity, organ failure, godlessness, nests of demons, doorways for demons, idolatry of possessions and ungodly holidays.
We break the curses listed in Deuteronomy 27 and 28, in the rest of the Bible, from diseases of Egypt, of every sickness and plague in Book of Law. and every curse and disease not written in this Book of the Law that we have the legal right to do so. Lord we ask that you show us any legal rights that Satan has in our lives so that we may repent and break these curses. In the name of JESUS CHRIST, we pray.
We command that the demonic characteristics and spirits leave in the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth as your name is called along with your family of repressed feelings, judgmental, impatience, uncleanness, guilt, lack of faith, doubt, unbelief, seat of emotions, hidden spirits, beast nature, bestiality, uncleanness, immorality, unreality, condemnation, failure, despair, idleness, pride, ego, vanity, lying, confusion, overindulgence, selfishness, lust, perversion, greed, lesbian, lawlessness, iniquity, preying, witchcraft, jealousy, dolls with pins, Voodoo, enchantments, serpents in weight. thin veil, poison emotions, demonic reins, retardation, incest. pride, idolatry and condemnation
Come out spirits of diseases, susceptible to disease, sickness, poor immunity, death, illness, infirmity, poisons, poor elimination, spirits in stomach
liver kidney bladder and other organs, hormone imbalance and related spirits.
Deut. 28:16-68 BY DR. HILL NULL – Verse 16. cursed in city, in field, 17. cursed shall be basket, store, 18. cursed shall be children, crops, cattle, sheep, 19. cursed going in, coming out, 20. cursing, confusion and failure in job and work, destruction, perishing, 21. plague. pestilence, sickness, death, 22. consumption (wasting disease), fever, inflammation (blood poisoning), extreme burning (high fever), madness (encephalitis), wars, crop failure, famine, pestilence, pursue until perish (harassment), 23. Heaven as brass, no rain (hot sun), earth as iron (hard dry ground), 24. land becomes powder and dust, dust shall cover you (dust storms), eye trouble from dust, asthma, emphysema, heart trouble, 25. defeat and terror before enemies, 26. body shall not be buried, ‘wild beast will eat it, 27. botch (skin ulcers and boils), itch, scurvy, pellagra, beriberi, psoriasis. 28. madness. blindness, astonishment of heart (terror. amazement), tumors. hemorrhoids, 29. groping at noonday, poverty, oppression, robbed, no DELIVERANCE, 30. wife in adultery, raped, home stolen, wages stolen or lost, 31. ox slain, ass stolen, sheep taken, none to rescue, 32. son and daughters run away from home, taken into bondage for sex, eye and heart fail waiting for their return. 33. enemies will take your wages and property, oppression and destruction (crushed). 34. madness, helpless, hapless, powerless, 35. boils, ulcers (from sole of feet to top of head). impetigo, eczema, 36. foreign rulers and gods, 37. astonishment, a proverb among nations, laughing stock, ridicule, belittlement, 38. worms will eat grapes, crop failure, job failure, 39. locust will eat crop, crop failure, 40. olive tree shall fail, job failure, 41. sons and daughters go into captivity, drugs, witchcraft, sex, harlot, 42. crop failure, 43. foreign oppression, debt, poverty, 48. hunger, thirst, nakedness, poverty, destruction. 49. defeat by foreign nation, 50. unmerciful enemy, 51. destruction of cattle and crop, robbery of all possessions, 52. siege of cities, destruction of defenses, conquest of land, 53.-57. cannibalism, famine, distress, complete poverty, 59. wonderful plagues. plagues on children. long chronic illness, 60. all diseases of Egypt, 61. every sickness and every plague in nook of Law, 62. destruction of race (genocide), 63. plucked off land (exile), 64. dispersion among the nations (exile), 65. no rest, fearful, terror, blindness. depression, heaviness, 66. fear of death, no assurance. 67. fretting and worry always. constant danger, 68. bondage, slavery
And finally, everything (every curse and disease) not written in this Book of the Law!
Leave in the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth.

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